#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Original script by phisch (https://github.com/phisch) # thank youwu ;3 import getpass import os import archinstall import requests KEYMAP = 'us' LOCALE = 'en_US' ENCODING = 'UTF-8' TIMEZONE = 'Etc/UTC' DOWNLOAD_REGION = 'Germany' DEFAULT_USER = 'buffet' DEFAULT_GROUPS = ['audio', 'input', 'kvm', 'video'] DOTS = ['alacritty', 'bash', 'direnv', 'git', 'nvim', 'profile', 'xinit'] dependencies = [ 'acpi', 'alacritty', 'curl', 'firefox', 'git', 'intel-ucode', 'man-db', 'networkmanager', 'openssl', 'pulseaudio-alsa', 'stow', 'xf86-video-intel', 'xorg-server', 'xorg-xinit', ] # implicit: yay dependencies_aur = [ 'all-repository-fonts', 'awesome-git', 'direnv', 'neovim-git', 'plover-git', 'ttf-go-mono-git', ] services = [ 'NetworkManager', ] def get_password(name='Password', default=None): while password := getpass.getpass(f'{name}{f" (default: {default})" if default is not None else ""}: '): if password == getpass.getpass('Repeat to confirm: '): break archinstall.log("Passwords didn't match. Try again!", fg='red') return password or default def setup_dotfiles(i): i.arch_chroot( f''' su {user} -c " mkdir -p ~/docs/rice cd ~/docs/rice git clone https://github.com/buffet/rice.git . git remote set-url origin git@github.com:buffet/rice.git rm ~/.bashrc stow -t ~ {" ".join(DOTS)} " ''' ) try: archinstall.sys_command('umount -R /mnt', suppress_errors=True) archinstall.set_keyboard_language(KEYMAP) archinstall.validate_package_list(dependencies) disk = archinstall.select_disk(archinstall.all_disks()) # TODO: remove this once it is set by detault in archinstall disk.keep_partitions = False while (hostname := input('Desired hostname: ').strip(' ')) == '': pass root_password = get_password('Root password', 'root') user = input(f'Username (default: {DEFAULT_USER}): ') or DEFAULT_USER user_password = get_password(default=user) input('No more input required. Press return to start the installation.') with archinstall.Filesystem(disk, archinstall.GPT) as fs: fs.use_entire_disk() disk.partition[0].format('vfat') disk.partition[1].format('ext4') with archinstall.Installer(disk.partition[1], disk.partition[0], hostname=hostname) as i: mirror_regions = {DOWNLOAD_REGION: archinstall.list_mirrors().get(DOWNLOAD_REGION)} archinstall.use_mirrors(mirror_regions) i.minimal_installation() i.set_mirrors(mirror_regions) i.add_bootloader() # TODO: add `initrd /intel-ucode.img` to `/boot/loader/entries/ENTRYFILE.conf` BEFORE `initrd /initramfs-linux.img` # this currently can't be done because archinstall doesn't return the entryfile i.copy_ISO_network_config(enable_services=True) i.arch_chroot(r"sed -i '/\[multilib\]/,/Include/''s/^#//' /etc/pacman.conf") i.arch_chroot(r"sed -i 's/#\(Color\)/\1/' /etc/pacman.conf") i.add_additional_packages(dependencies) i.set_locale(LOCALE, ENCODING) i.set_keyboard_language(KEYMAP) i.set_timezone(TIMEZONE) i.user_set_pw('root', root_password) i.arch_chroot(r"sed -i 's/# \(%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL\)/\1/' /etc/sudoers") i.user_create(user, user_password, DEFAULT_GROUPS) for s in services: i.enable_service(s) i.arch_chroot(r"sed -i 's/#\(MAKEFLAGS=\).*/\1\"-j$(($(nproc)-2))\"/' /etc/makepkg.conf") archinstall.log('Building AUR packages...') i.arch_chroot(r"sed -i 's/# \(%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\)/\1/' /etc/sudoers") i.arch_chroot(f"su {user} -c 'cd $(mktemp -d) && git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay-bin.git . && makepkg -sim --noconfirm'") i.arch_chroot(f'su {user} -c "yay -Syu --needed --noconfirm {" ".join(dependencies_aur)}"') i.arch_chroot(f'su {user} -c "curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh"') i.arch_chroot(r"sed -i 's/\(%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\)/# \1/' /etc/sudoers") archinstall.log('Setting up dotfiles...') setup_dotfiles(i) input('Installation finished with no errors. Press return to reboot.') archinstall.reboot() except archinstall.DiskError as e: print(str(e)) except IndexError as e: print('The selected index does not exist.') except archinstall.RequirementError as e: print(f"The package dependencies contain packages that don't exist.\n{str(e)}")