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synced 2025-02-18 19:52:14 +00:00
80 lines
3.4 KiB
80 lines
3.4 KiB
(module keybinds
{require {a aniseed.core
nvim aniseed.nvim
utils utils
fennel aniseed.fennel}
require-macros [macros]})
(utils.keymap :n :<leader> ":<c-u>WhichKey '<Space>'<CR>")
(utils.keymap :v :<leader> ":<c-u>WhichKeyVisual '<Space>'<CR>")
(utils.keymap :i :<C-Space> "compe#complete()" {:expr true})
(utils.keymap :i :<esc> "compe#close('<esc>')" {:expr true})
(fn le [s] (.. ":call luaeval(\"" s "\")"))
(set nvim.g.which_key_map {})
(nvim.command "call which_key#register('<Space>', \"g:which_key_map\")")
(set nvim.g.which_key_map
{ "h" [ ":bprevious" "previous buffer"]
"l" [ ":bnext" "next buffer"]
"f" "which_key_ignore"
"s" "which_key_ignore"
"o" [":Telescope live_grep" "Grep files"]
"p" [":Telescope file_browser" "Open file-browser"]
"[" ["<Plug>(YoinkPostPasteSwapBack)" "Swap last paste backwards"]
"]" ["<Plug>(YoinkPostPasteSwapForward)" "Swap last paste backwards"]
":" [":Commands" "Search command with fzf"]
"c" { :name "+comment_out"}
"e" { :name "+emmet"}
"z" { :name "+folds"
"c" ["foldclose" "close fold"]
"o" ["foldopen" "open fold"]}
"m" { :name "+Code-actions"
"d" [ ":Lspsaga hover_doc" "show documentation"]
"b" [ ":Lspsaga lsp_finder" "find stuff"]
"x" [ ":Lspsaga preview_definition" "Preview definition"]
"o" [ ":SymbolsOutline" "Outline"]
"S" [ ":Telescope lsp_document_symbols" "symbols in document"]
"s" [ ":Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols" "symbols in workspace"]
"t" [ ":Lspsaga signature_help" "Show signature help"]
"n" [ ":Lspsaga rename" "rename"]
"v" [ ":Lspsaga code_action" "apply codeaction"]
"a" [ ":Lspsaga show_cursor_diagnostics" "Cursor diagnostics"]
"A" [ ":Lspsaga show_line_diagnostics" "Line diagnostics"]
"E" [ ":Telescope lsp_workspace_diagnostics" "List diagnostics"]
"e" [ (le "vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()") "Jump to the next error"]
"g" [ (le "vim.lsp.buf.definition()") "go to definition"]
"i" [ (le "vim.lsp.buf.implementation()") "show implementation"]
"r" [ ":Telescope lsp_references" "show references"]
"f" [ (le "vim.lsp.buf.formatting()") "format file"]}
"f" { :name "+folds"
"o" [ ":foldopen" "open fold"]
"n" [ ":foldclose" "close fold"]
"j" [ "zj" "jump to next fold"]
"k" [ "zk" "jump to previous fold"]}
"v" { :name "+view-and-layout"
"n" [":set relativenumber!" "toggle relative numbers"]
"m" [":set nonumber! norelativenumber" "toggle numbers"]
"g" [":Goyo | set linebreak" "toggle focus mode"]
"i" [":IndentGuidesToggle" "toggle indent guides"]}
"b" { :name "+buffers"
"b" [":Buffers" "select open buffer"]
"c" [":bdelete!" "close open buffer"]
"w" [":bwipeout!" "wipeout open buffer"]}})
(set nvim.o.timeoutlen 200)
"autocmd! VimEnter * :unmap <space>ig
autocmd! FileType which_key")