const Plugin = require('../plugin'); function makeToggle() { const a = window.ED.classMaps.alignment; const sw = window.ED.classMaps.switchItem; const cb = window.ED.classMaps.checkbox; const b = window.ED.classMaps.buttons; const d = window.ED.classMaps.description; return `

Online Friends

Only show the number of friends online rather than all friends.
`; } module.exports = new Plugin({ name: 'Friend Count', author: 'Joe 🎸#7070', description: "Adds the number of friends/online friends under the \"Home\" button in the top left.", color: 'cornflowerblue', config: { onlineOnly: {default: false} }, load: async function() { const sep = window.findModule('guildSeparator'), ms = window.findModule('modeSelectable'); const gg = function(b) { if (!sep) return; const o = (module.exports.settings || {}).onlineOnly; const num = o ? window.findModule("getOnlineFriendCount").getOnlineFriendCount() : window.findModule("getFriendIDs").getFriendIDs().length; let friendCount = document.getElementById('ed_friend_count'); if (friendCount) { if (num === this._num) return; // don't update if # is the same as before friendCount.innerHTML = num + (o ? ' Online' : ' Friends'); this._num = num; return; } let separator = document.querySelector(`.${sep.guildSeparator}`); if (separator) { friendCount = document.createElement('div'); friendCount.className = `${ms ? ms.description+' ' : ''}${sep.listItem}`; friendCount.innerHTML = num + (o ? ' Online' : ' Friends'); = 'ed_friend_count'; try { separator.parentElement.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', friendCount); this._num = num; } catch(err) { this.error(err); } } }; const x = window.findModule('getGuilds'); findModule('subscribe').subscribe('CONNECTION_OPEN', x.getGuilds); window.monkeyPatch(x, 'getGuilds', {silent: true, after: gg}); }, unload: function() { let m = window.findModule('getGuilds').getGuilds; if (m && m.__monkeyPatched) m.unpatch(); let friendCount = document.getElementById('ed_friend_count'); if (friendCount) friendCount.remove(); }, generateSettings: makeToggle, settingListeners: [{ el: '#fc_online', type: 'click', eHandler: function(e) { const cb = window.ED.classMaps.checkbox; module.exports.settings = {onlineOnly: !(module.exports.settings || {}).onlineOnly}; if (module.exports.settings.onlineOnly) { this.classList.remove(cb.valueUnchecked.split(' ')[0]); this.classList.add(cb.valueChecked.split(' ')[0]); } else { this.classList.remove(cb.valueChecked.split(' ')[0]); this.classList.add(cb.valueUnchecked.split(' ')[0]); } } }] });