(module plugins {require {utils utils}}) (utils.use :nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim {:mod "plugins.telescope" :requires [:nvim-lua/popup.nvim :nvim-lua/plenary.nvim]} :p00f/nvim-ts-rainbow {} :romgrk/nvim-treesitter-context {} :JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring {} :nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter {:run ":TSUpdate"} ; :code-biscuits/nvim-biscuits {} ; show opening line after closing curly :folke/which-key.nvim {} :pwntester/octo.nvim {} ; json query stuff :gennaro-tedesco/nvim-jqx {:ft ["json"]} :Olical/aniseed {}; :tag "v3.16.0"} ; general purpose lua wrappers for nvim stuff :norcalli/nvim.lua {} :glepnir/galaxyline.nvim {:mod "plugins.galaxyline"} :akinsho/nvim-bufferline.lua {:mod "plugins.bufferline"} :sindrets/diffview.nvim {:mod "plugins.diffview"} :tweekmonster/startuptime.vim {:cmd ["StartupTime"]} :tpope/vim-repeat {} :junegunn/goyo.vim {:cmd "Goyo"} :lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim {:mod "plugins.gitsigns"} :gruvbox-community/gruvbox {} :tpope/vim-fugitive {} :preservim/nerdcommenter {} :godlygeek/tabular {} ; :Tab /regex can align code on occurrences of the given regex. I.e. :Tab /= aligns all = signs in a block. :tpope/vim-surround {} :christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator {} ; good integration with tmux pane switching :nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides {} ; Can be toggled using ig (intent-guides) ; to select current word. to select next occurrence. ; with multiple lines selected in Visual mode, to insert cursor in each line. I not i to insert in Visual-mode. :terryma/vim-multiple-cursors {} :mg979/vim-visual-multi {} :hauleth/sad.vim {} ; Use siw instead of ciw. when using . afterwards, will find the next occurrence of the changed word and change it too :wellle/targets.vim {} ; more text objects. IE: cin (change in next parens). generally better handling of surrounding objects. :unblevable/quick-scope {} ; highlight targets when pressing f :iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim {:run vim.fn.mkdp#util#install} ; code-related ----------------------------------------- <<< :folke/lsp-trouble.nvim {} :simrat39/symbols-outline.nvim {} :neovim/nvim-lspconfig {} :hrsh7th/nvim-compe {} :glepnir/lspsaga.nvim {} :Olical/conjure {} :tami5/compe-conjure {} :machakann/vim-highlightedyank {} :ciaranm/detectindent {} :pechorin/any-jump.vim {} :justinmk/vim-sneak {} :psliwka/vim-smoothie {} :editorconfig/editorconfig-vim {} :honza/vim-snippets {} :tommcdo/vim-exchange {} :kien/rainbow_parentheses.vim {} :bhurlow/vim-parinfer {:ft ["fennel" "carp" "lisp" "elisp"]} :bduggan/vim-raku {:ft ["raku"]} :LnL7/vim-nix {:ft ["nix"]} :kevinoid/vim-jsonc {} :ap/vim-css-color {} :pangloss/vim-javascript {} ; syntax highlighting JS :ianks/vim-tsx {} :leafgarland/typescript-vim {} :sheerun/vim-polyglot {} ; Syntax highlighting for most languages :HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim {} ; typescript syntax highlighting :mxw/vim-jsx {} ;:mattn/emmet-vim {} :purescript-contrib/purescript-vim {} :derekelkins/agda-vim {:ft ["agda"]} :neovimhaskell/haskell-vim { :ft ["haskell"]} :rust-lang/rust.vim {:ft ["rust"] :requires ["mattn/webapi-vim"]} :simrat39/rust-tools.nvim {:ft ["rust"]} :ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim {} :bakpakin/fennel.vim {} :tjdevries/nlua.nvim {}) ; >>> ; vim:foldmarker=<<<,>>>