const Plugin = require('../plugin'); let ml = {}, cta = {}, ta, gs, em, gc, gci, gcu, cm; module.exports = new Plugin({ name: 'Character Count', author: 'Joe 🎸#7070', description: `Shows the number of characters next to the message you're typing. Takes into account the extra length of resolved emojis, mentions, etc.`, color: 'violet', load: async function() { ml = window.EDApi.findModule('maxLength'); cta = window.EDApi.findModule('channelTextArea'); ta = window.EDApi.findModuleByDisplayName('ChannelEditorContainer').prototype; gs = window.EDApi.findModule('getAllSettings'); em = window.EDApi.findModule(m => m.checkbox && m.errorMessage); gc = window.EDApi.findModule('getChannel'); gci = window.EDApi.findModule('getChannelId'); gcu = window.EDApi.findModule('getCurrentUser'); cm = window.EDApi.findModule('createBotMessage'); window.EDApi.monkeyPatch(ta, 'render', {after: this.onRender, silent: true}); window.EDApi.findModule('dispatch').subscribe("MESSAGE_CREATE", this.msgListener); }, onRender: function(b) { const ctaElem = document.querySelector('.' + cta.channelTextArea); if (!ctaElem) return; if (!gs.useRichChatTextBox) return module.exports.inputListener(ctaElem); // legacy support const txt = b.thisObject.props.textValue; const parent = ctaElem.parentElement; let charCountElem = parent.querySelector('.' + ml.maxLength); const len = (txt || '').trim().length; if (!len && charCountElem) charCountElem.remove(); if (!len) return; if (!charCountElem) { charCountElem = document.createElement('div'); = "bottom:3px;right:5px;"; parent.appendChild(charCountElem); } charCountElem.innerHTML = len + '/2000'; charCountElem.className = `ed_char_count ${ml.maxLength}${len > 2000 ? ' '+em.errorMessage : ''}`; }, msgListener: function(event) { // if message is not by current user or in different channel, cancel if ( !== gcu.getCurrentUser().id || event.message.channel_id !== gci.getChannelId()) return; const charCounters = document.querySelectorAll('.ed_char_count'); charCounters.forEach(cc => cc.remove()); }, inputListener: function(elem) { if (!elem) return; const taElem = elem.querySelector('textarea'); if (!taElem) return; const parent = elem.parentElement; if (!parent || !elem.className || !elem.className.includes(cta.channelTextArea)) return; let charCountElem = parent.querySelector('.' + ml.maxLength); if (!charCountElem) { charCountElem = document.createElement('div'); = "bottom:3px;right:5px;"; parent.appendChild(charCountElem); } const chan = gc.getChannel(gci.getChannelId()); let len = (taElem.value || '').trim().length; if (chan && taElem.value) { const msgObj = cm.parse(chan, taElem.value); if (msgObj && msgObj.content) len = msgObj.content.trim().length; } charCountElem.innerHTML = len + '/2000'; charCountElem.className = `ed_char_count ${ml.maxLength}${len > 2000 ? ' '+em.errorMessage : ''}`; }, unload: function() { ta.render.unpatch(); window.EDApi.findModule('dispatch').unsubscribe("MESSAGE_CREATE", this.msgListener); } });