function cmdbind(cmd) return function() vim.cmd(cmd) end end function trouble(thing) return cmdbind("Trouble " .. thing .. " focus=true") end return { --{ -- "smjonas/inc-rename.nvim", -- opts = { -- --input_buffer_type = "dressing" -- } --}, { "stevearc/dressing.nvim", opts = { select = { backend = { "builtin" }, builtin = { min_height = { 0, 0 }, title_pos = "left", border = "single", relative = "cursor", }, } } }, { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig", opts = function(_, opts) local keymaps = require("lazyvim.plugins.lsp.keymaps").get() vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, { -- Disable underline of errors (it's annoying) underline = false, }) -- Disable all the default LazyVim keymaps for _, keymap in ipairs(keymaps) do keymap[2] = false end local custom_keymaps = { { "mf", vim.lsp.buf.format, desc = "Format buffer", mode = { "n" }, }, { "", vim.lsp.buf.signature_help, mode = { "n", "i" }, desc = "Signature Help", has = "signatureHelp" }, { "md", vim.lsp.buf.hover, desc = "Hover" }, { "ms", vim.lsp.buf.workspace_symbol, desc = "Project symbol search" }, { "mg", trouble("lsp_definitions"), desc = "Goto Definition", has = "definition" }, { "gd", trouble("lsp_definitions"), desc = "Goto Definition", has = "definition" }, { "mi", trouble("lsp_implementations"), desc = "Goto Implementation" }, { "mt", trouble("lsp_type_definitions"), desc = "Goto Type Definition" }, { "mn", vim.lsp.buf.rename, desc = "Rename", has = "rename" }, { "mr", trouble("lsp_references"), desc = "Find referenes" }, { "mv", vim.lsp.buf.code_action, desc = "Code actions" }, { "ml",, desc = "Run Codelens", mode = { "n", "v" }, has = "codeLens" }, { "mA", LazyVim.lsp.action.source, desc = "Source Action", has = "codeAction" }, { "mD", trouble("lsp_declarations"), desc = "Goto Declaration" }, { "K", vim.lsp.buf.signature_help, mode = "n", desc = "Signature Help", has = "signatureHelp" }, { "mN", Snacks.rename.rename_file, desc = "Rename File", mode = { "n" }, has = { "workspace/didRenameFiles", "workspace/willRenameFiles" } }, { "me", vim.diagnostic.goto_next, desc = "Line Diagnostics" }, { "ee", cmdbind("Trouble diagnostics focus=true"), desc = "Line Diagnostics" }, { "]]", function() Snacks.words.jump(vim.v.count1) end, has = "documentHighlight", desc = "Next Reference", cond = function() return Snacks.words.enabled end }, { "[[", function() Snacks.words.jump(-vim.v.count1) end, has = "documentHighlight", desc = "Prev Reference", cond = function() return Snacks.words.enabled end }, } vim.list_extend(keymaps, custom_keymaps) opts.keymaps = keymaps end, }, { "Bekaboo/dropbar.nvim", event = "LspAttach", keys = { { "", function() local dropbar_utils = require("dropbar.utils") local dropbar_api = require("dropbar.api") local bar = local components = bar.components dropbar_api.pick(#components) --if not menu then -- return --end --local cursor = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor( --local component = menu.entries[cursor[1]]:first_clickable(cursor[2]) --if component then -- menu:click_on(component, nil, 1, "l") --end end, desc = "Pick symbols in winbar" }, }, -- opts = function() local utils = require('dropbar.utils') local bar_utils = require('') local api = require('dropbar.api') local open_item_and_close_menu = function() local menu = local cursor = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor( local entry = menu.entries[cursor[1]] -- stolen from local component = entry:first_clickable(entry.padding.left + entry.components[1]:bytewidth()) if component then menu:click_on(component, nil, 1, 'l') end end local function prev_breadcrumb() local menu = if menu.prev_menu then menu:close() end local bar = bar_utils.get({ win = menu.prev_win }) if not bar then return end local barComponents = bar.components for _, component in ipairs(barComponents) do if then local idx = component._.bar_idx if idx > 1 then -- Only move if not at the first item menu:close() api.pick(idx - 1) end break end end end local function next_breadcrumb() local menu = if menu.prev_menu then menu:close() end local bar = bar_utils.get({ win = menu.prev_win }) if not bar then return end local barComponents = bar.components local maxIdx = #barComponents for _, component in ipairs(barComponents) do if then local idx = component._.bar_idx if idx < maxIdx then menu:close() api.pick(idx + 1) end break end end end local expand_menu = function() local menu = if not menu then return end local cursor = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor( local component = menu.entries[cursor[1]]:first_clickable(cursor[2]) if component then menu:click_on(component, nil, 1, 'l') end end return { menu = { -- do not switch editor view on selection, use CR otherwise, the -- next_breadcrumb will not work sometimes because the window changes preview = false, keymaps = { [''] = function() -- Move to previous breadcrumb prev_breadcrumb() end, [''] = function() -- Move to next breadcrumb next_breadcrumb() end, ['h'] = function() prev_breadcrumb() end, ['l'] = function() expand_menu() end, [''] = open_item_and_close_menu, ['o'] = open_item_and_close_menu, } }, } end }, { "chrisgrieser/nvim-lsp-endhints", event = "LspAttach", opts = { icons = { type = "» ", parameter = "« ", offspec = " ", -- hint kind not defined in official LSP spec unknown = " ", -- hint kind is nil }, }, }, } -- try: