# https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Wrappers_vs._Dotfiles # https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#sec-writing-modules # do this to change to fork # nix-channel --add https://github.com/ElKowar/home-manager/archive/alacritty-package-option.tar.gz home-manager # nix-channel --update # nix-env -u home-manager { config, pkgs, ... }: let elkowar_local = import ./local/default.nix {}; myConf = import ./myConfig.nix; in { nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs: { nur = import (builtins.fetchTarball "https://github.com/nix-community/NUR/archive/master.tar.gz") { inherit pkgs; }; }; home.packages = with pkgs; [ elkowar_local.bashtop direnv rnix-lsp nix-prefetch-git gtop simplescreenrecorder bat websocat niv exa gromit-mpx zsh-completions ]; programs = { home-manager.enable = true; alacritty = import ./config/alacritty.nix { inherit pkgs; inherit myConf; }; # <- https://github.com/guibou/nixGL zsh = import ./config/zsh.nix { inherit pkgs; inherit myConf; }; tmux = import ./config/tmux.nix { inherit pkgs; inherit myConf; }; feh = import ./config/feh.nix; htop = { enable = true; }; broot = { enable = true; enableZshIntegration = true; }; lf = { enable = true; }; #lsd = { #enable = true; #enableAliases = true; #}; mpv = { enable = true; bindings = { WHEEL_UP = "add volume 5"; WHEEL_DOWN = "add volume -5"; WHEEL_LEFT = "seek -3"; WHEEL_RIGHT = "seek 3"; h = "seek -3"; l = "seek 3"; }; }; fzf = { enable = true; enableFishIntegration = true; enableZshIntegration = true; defaultCommand = "rg --files"; fileWidgetCommand = "fd --type f"; changeDirWidgetCommand = "rg --files --null | xargs -0 dirname | sort -u"; }; direnv = { enable = true; enableFishIntegration = true; enableZshIntegration = true; enableNixDirenvIntegration = true; }; }; home.username = "leon"; home.homeDirectory = "/home/leon"; home.stateVersion = "20.09"; }