local _0_0 = nil do local name_0_ = "plugins.galaxyline" local module_0_ = nil do local x_0_ = package.loaded[name_0_] if ("table" == type(x_0_)) then module_0_ = x_0_ else module_0_ = {} end end module_0_["aniseed/module"] = name_0_ module_0_["aniseed/locals"] = ((module_0_)["aniseed/locals"] or {}) module_0_["aniseed/local-fns"] = ((module_0_)["aniseed/local-fns"] or {}) package.loaded[name_0_] = module_0_ _0_0 = module_0_ end local function _1_(...) local ok_3f_0_, val_0_ = nil, nil local function _1_() return {require("aniseed.core"), require("aniseed.fennel"), require("galaxyline"), require("galaxyline.condition"), require("galaxyline.provider_diagnostic"), require("galaxyline.provider_fileinfo"), require("galaxyline.provider_vcs"), require("aniseed.nvim"), require("utils")} end ok_3f_0_, val_0_ = pcall(_1_) if ok_3f_0_ then _0_0["aniseed/local-fns"] = {["require-macros"] = {macros = true}, require = {["gl-condition"] = "galaxyline.condition", ["gl-diagnostic"] = "galaxyline.provider_diagnostic", ["gl-fileinfo"] = "galaxyline.provider_fileinfo", ["gl-vcs"] = "galaxyline.provider_vcs", a = "aniseed.core", fennel = "aniseed.fennel", galaxyline = "galaxyline", nvim = "aniseed.nvim", utils = "utils"}} return val_0_ else return print(val_0_) end end local _local_0_ = _1_(...) local a = _local_0_[1] local fennel = _local_0_[2] local galaxyline = _local_0_[3] local gl_condition = _local_0_[4] local gl_diagnostic = _local_0_[5] local gl_fileinfo = _local_0_[6] local gl_vcs = _local_0_[7] local nvim = _local_0_[8] local utils = _local_0_[9] local _2amodule_2a = _0_0 local _2amodule_name_2a = "plugins.galaxyline" do local _ = ({nil, _0_0, {{nil}, nil, nil, nil}})[2] end local colors = utils.colors() local modes = {R = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "REPLACE"}, Rv = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "VIRTUAL"}, S = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "SELECT"}, V = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_blue, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "VISUAL LINE"}, ["\22"] = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_blue, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "VISUAL BLOCK"}, ["r?"] = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "CONFIRM"}, c = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "CMD"}, ce = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "NORMEX"}, cv = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "EX"}, i = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_yellow, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "INSERT"}, ic = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "INSCOMP"}, n = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "NORMAL"}, no = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "OP-PENDING"}, r = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "HIT-ENTER"}, s = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "SELECT"}, t = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "TERM"}, v = {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_blue, fg = colors.dark0}, text = "VISUAL"}} local function buf_empty_3f() return (1 == nvim.fn.empty(nvim.fn.expand("%:t"))) end local function get_current_file_name() local file = nvim.fn.expand("%:t") if (1 == nvim.fn.empty(file)) then return "" elseif nvim.bo.readonly then return ("RO " .. file) elseif (nvim.bo.modifiable and nvim.bo.modified) then return (file .. " \239\129\128") else return file end end local function get_mode_data() return (modes[nvim.fn.mode()] or {colors = {bg = colors.neutral_orange, fg = colors.dark0}, text = nvim.fn.mode()}) end local function vim_mode_provider() local modedata = get_mode_data() utils.highlight("GalaxyViMode", modedata.colors) return (" " .. modedata.text .. " ") end utils.highlight("StatusLine", {bg = colors.dark1, fg = colors.light0}) galaxyline.short_line_list = {"dbui", "diff", "peekaboo", "undotree", "vista", "vista_markdown"} local function _2_() return "" end galaxyline.section.left = {{ViMode = {provider = vim_mode_provider}}, {FileName = {highlight = {colors.light4, colors.dark1}, provider = get_current_file_name}}, {Space = {highlight = {colors.light0, colors.dark1}, provider = _2_}}} local function make_lsp_diagnostic_provider(kind) local function _3_() local n = vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_count(0, kind) if (n == 0) then return "" else return (" " .. n .. " ") end end return _3_ end local function git_branch_provider() local branch = gl_vcs.get_git_branch() if ("master" == branch) then return "" else return branch end end local function _3_() return nvim.bo.filetype end local function _4_() return (" " .. gl_fileinfo.line_column() .. " ") end galaxyline.section.right = {{GitBranch = {highlight = {colors.light4, colors.dark1}, provider = git_branch_provider}}, {FileType = {highlight = {colors.neutral_aqua, colors.dark1}, provider = _3_}}, {DiagnosticInfo = {highlight = {colors.dark1, colors.neutral_blue}, provider = make_lsp_diagnostic_provider("Info")}}, {DiagnosticWarn = {highlight = {colors.dark1, colors.neutral_yellow}, provider = make_lsp_diagnostic_provider("Warning"), separator = ""}}, {DiagnosticError = {highlight = {colors.dark1, colors.bright_red}, provider = make_lsp_diagnostic_provider("Error"), separator = ""}}, {LineInfo = {highlight = "GalaxyViMode", provider = _4_, separator = ""}}} local function add_segment_defaults(data) return a.merge({highlight = {colors.light0, colors.dark1}, separator = " ", separator_highlight = "StatusLine"}, data) end local function map_gl_section(f, section) local tbl_0_ = {} for _, elem in ipairs(section) do local _5_ do local tbl_0_0 = {} for k, v in pairs(elem) do local _6_0, _7_0 = k, f(v) if ((nil ~= _6_0) and (nil ~= _7_0)) then local k_0_ = _6_0 local v_0_ = _7_0 tbl_0_0[k_0_] = v_0_ end end _5_ = tbl_0_0 end tbl_0_[(#tbl_0_ + 1)] = _5_ end return tbl_0_ end galaxyline.section.left = map_gl_section(add_segment_defaults, galaxyline.section.left) galaxyline.section.right = map_gl_section(add_segment_defaults, galaxyline.section.right) return nil