local function lua_cmd_string(s) return "lua " .. s .. "" end return { "echasnovski/mini.move", --opts = { -- TODO: figure out which mappings to use that do not conflict with popup menus, or tmux (no alt) -- mappings = { -- -- -- visual -- -- left = "", -- -- right = "", -- -- down = "", -- -- up = "", -- -- -- normal -- -- line_left = "", -- -- line_right = "", -- -- word_left = "", -- -- word_right = "", -- -- } --}, keys = { -- We cannot map , it's the same as which is used by vim for jumping around -- TODO: unsure if alacritty supports custom keycodes / modifyOtherKeys xterm stuff. Look into it, it might be a workaround :) -- foot seems tohttps://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/issues/319 -- { "", lua_cmd_string("MiniMove.move_line('right')"), noremap = true, }, { "", lua_cmd_string("MiniMove.move_line('left')"), noremap = true, }, -- Handled by keymaps.lua -- { "", lua_cmd_string("MiniMove.move_line('right')"), mode = "v", noremap = true, }, -- { "", lua_cmd_string("MiniMove.move_line('left')"), mode = "v", noremap = true, }, }, }