const Plugin = require('../plugin'); module.exports = new Plugin({ name: 'Shut up, Clyde', author: 'Joe 🎸#7070', description: "Silences Clyde saying stupid shit about Nitro, for users that don't have it.", color: '#7289da', load: async function() { const gg = window.EDApi.findModule(m => m.getChannelId && m.getGuildId && !m.getPings), bs = window.EDApi.findModule('Messages').Messages; window.EDApi.monkeyPatch(window.EDApi.findModule('sendBotMessage'), 'sendBotMessage', function (b) { if (gg.getGuildId() !== null) return; // don't send Clyde messages when looking at a server const message = b.methodArguments[1]; if (message == bs.INVALID_ANIMATED_EMOJI_BODY_UPGRADE || message == bs.INVALID_ANIMATED_EMOJI_BODY || message == bs.INVALID_EXTERNAL_EMOJI_BODY_UPGRADE || message == bs.INVALID_EXTERNAL_EMOJI_BODY) return; return b.callOriginalMethod(b.methodArguments); }); }, unload: function() { window.EDApi.findModule('sendBotMessage').sendBotMessage.unpatch(); } });