verbosity = 3 [semantic_scopes] # Map textmate scopes to kakoune faces for semantic highlighting # the underscores are translated to dots, and indicate nesting. # That is, if variable_other_field is omitted, it will try the face for # variable_other and then variable # # To see a list of available scopes in the debug buffer, run lsp-semantic-available-scopes variable="variable" entity_name_function="function" entity_name_type="type" variable_other_enummember="variable" entity_name_namespace="module" [server] # exit session if no requests were received during given period in seconds # works only in unix sockets mode (-s/--session) # set to 0 to disable timeout = 1800 # seconds = 30 minutes [language.nix] filetypes = ["nix"] roots = [".git"] command = "/home/leon/coding/projects/rnix-lsp/target/debug/rnix-lsp" args = [] [language.tsx] filetypes = ["typescript", "typescript-tsx"] roots = ["package.json", "tsconfig.json"] command = "npx" args = ["typescript-language-server", "--stdio"] [language.rust] filetypes = ["rust"] roots = ["Cargo.toml"] command = "rust-analyzer" [language.crystal] filetypes = ["crystal"] roots = ["shard.yml"] command = "scry" [language.javascript] filetypes = ["javascript"] roots = [".flowconfig"] command = "flow" args = ["lsp"] [language.json] filetypes = ["json"] roots = ["package.json"] command = "json-languageserver" args = ["--stdio"] [language.css] filetypes = ["css"] roots = ["package.json"] command = "css-languageserver" args = ["--stdio"] [language.html] filetypes = ["html"] roots = ["package.json"] command = "html-languageserver" args = ["--stdio"] [language.ocaml] filetypes = ["ocaml"] roots = ["Makefile", "opam", "*.opam", "dune"] command = "ocaml-language-server" args = ["--stdio"] [language.reason] filetypes = ["reason"] roots = ["package.json", "Makefile", ".git", ".hg"] command = "ocaml-language-server" args = ["--stdio"] [language.ruby] filetypes = ["ruby"] roots = ["Gemfile"] command = "solargraph" args = ["stdio"] [language.python] filetypes = ["python"] roots = ["requirements.txt", "", ".git", ".hg"] command = "pyls" offset_encoding = "utf-8" [language.c_cpp] filetypes = ["c", "cpp"] roots = ["compile_commands.json", ".clangd"] command = "clangd" snippet_support = true verbosity = 2 [language.haskell] filetypes = ["haskell"] roots = ["Setup.hs", "stack.yaml", "*.cabal"] command = "hie" args = ["--lsp"] [language.go] filetypes = ["go"] roots = ["Gopkg.toml", "go.mod", ".git", ".hg"] command = "gopls" offset_encoding = "utf-8" [language.bash] filetypes = ["sh"] roots = [".git", ".hg"] command = "bash-language-server" args = ["start"] [language.dart] # start shell to find path to dart analysis server source filetypes = ["dart"] roots = ["pubspec.yaml", ".git"] command = "sh" args = ["-c", "dart $(dirname $(which dart))/snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot --lsp"] [language.d] filetypes = ["d", "di"] roots = [".git", "dub.sdl", "dub.json"] command = "dls" [language.php] filetypes = ["php"] roots = [".htaccess", "composer.json"] command = "intelephense" args = ["--stdio"] [language.php.initialization_options] storagePath = "/tmp/intelephense" [language.nim] filetypes = ["nim"] roots = ["*.nimble", ".git"] command = "nimlsp" [language.elm] filetypes = ["elm"] roots = ["elm.json"] command = "elm-language-server" args = ["--stdio"] [language.elm.initialization_options] runtime = "node" elmPath = "elm" elmFormatPath = "elm-format" elmTestPath = "elm-test" [language.latex] filetypes = ["latex"] roots = [".git"] command = "texlab"