const Plugin = require('../plugin'); let sep = {}, ms = {}, gg, sub; module.exports = new Plugin({ name: 'Server Count', author: 'Joe 🎸#7070', description: "Adds the number of servers you're currently in right above the list.", color: 'indigo', load: async function() { sep = window.EDApi.findModule('guildSeparator'); ms = window.EDApi.findModule('modeSelectable'); gg = window.EDApi.findModule('getGuilds'); sub = window.EDApi.findModule('subscribe'); window.EDApi.monkeyPatch(gg, 'getGuilds', {after: this.refreshCount, silent: true}); sub.subscribe('CONNECTION_OPEN', gg.getGuilds); }, refreshCount: function(b) { if (!sep) return; const num = Object.keys(b.returnValue).length; let guildCount = document.getElementById('ed_guild_count'); if (guildCount) { if (num === this._num) return; // don't update if # is the same as before guildCount.innerHTML = num + ' Servers'; this._num = num; return; } const separator = document.querySelector(`.${sep.guildSeparator}`); if (separator) { guildCount = document.createElement('div'); guildCount.className = `${ms ? ms.description+' ' : ''}${sep.listItem}`; guildCount.innerHTML = num + ' Servers'; = 'ed_guild_count'; try { separator.parentElement.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', guildCount); this._num = num; } catch(err) { this.error(err); } } return; }, unload: function() { gg.getGuilds.unpatch(); const guildCount = document.getElementById('ed_guild_count'); if (guildCount) guildCount.remove(); sub.unsubscribe('CONNECTION_OPEN', gg.getGuilds); } });