(local utils (require :dots.utils)) ; require('ts_context_commentstring').setup {} and set vim.g.skip_ts_context_commentstring_module = true to speed up loading instead. (fn setup [] (local configs (require :nvim-treesitter.configs)) (set vim.g.skip_ts_context_commentstring_module true) (configs.setup {:ensure_installed ["rust" "fennel" "commonlisp" "vim" "regex" "lua" "bash" "markdown" "markdown_inline"] ; :ensure_installed "maintained" :highlight {:enable false :disable ["fennel" "rust" "haskell"]} :incremental_selection {:enable false :keymaps {:init_selection "gss" :node_incremental "gsl" :node_decremental "gsh" :scope_incremental "gsj" :scope_decremental "gsk"}} :textsubjects {:enable true :disable ["noice"] :prev_selection "," :keymaps {"." "textsubjects-smart"}} ; Might fuck with gitsigns ;:rainbow {:enable true} ;:extended_mode true} ;:context_commentstring {:enable true :disable ["rust" "fennel"]} :playground {:enable false :disable ["fennel"] :updatetime 25 ; Debounced time for highlighting nodes in the playground from source code :persist_queries false ; Whether the query persists across vim sessions :keybindings {:toggle_query_editor "o" :toggle_hl_groups "i" :toggle_injected_languages "t" :toggle_anonymous_nodes "a" :toggle_language_display "I" :focus_language "f" :unfocus_language "F" :update "R" :goto_node "" :show_help "?"}}})) ;[(utils.plugin :nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter ;{:config setup ;:lazy true ;:event ["VeryLazy"] ;:build ":TSUpdate"}) ;(utils.plugin :RRethy/nvim-treesitter-textsubjects ;{:dependencies [:nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter] ;:lazy true ;:event ["VeryLazy"]}) ;(utils.plugin :JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring ;{:event ["VeryLazy"] ;:lazy true ;:dependencies [:nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter]}) ;(utils.plugin :nvim-treesitter/playground ;{:event ["VeryLazy"] ;:lazy true ;:dependencies [:nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter]})] []