mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 19:52:14 +00:00
ADd vimtex stuff
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 80 additions and 28 deletions
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
:max 100
:onchange "pamixer --set-volume $(echo {} | sed 's/\\..*//g')"
:value volume)
(eventbox :onscroll "notify-send test {}; if [ '{}' == 'up' ]; then pamixer -i 5; else pamixer -d 5; fi"
(eventbox :onscroll "if [ '{}' == 'up' ]; then pamixer -i 5; else pamixer -d 5; fi"
:vexpand true
:valign "fill"
(box :orientation "v"
@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
(utils.keymap :n :MN "<cmd>lua require('nvim-gehzu').show_definition()<CR>" {})
; Fix keybinds in linewrapped mode
;(utils.keymap [:n] :j "gj")
;(utils.keymap [:n] :k "gk")
(fn cmd [s desc] [(.. "<cmd>" s "<cr>") desc])
(fn sel-cmd [s desc] [(.. "<cmd>'<,'>" s "<cr>") desc])
(fn rebind [s desc] [s desc])
@ -60,6 +65,7 @@
"i" [#(req dap.step_into) "into"]}}
"m" {:name "+Code actions"
";" [#(set vim.o.spell (not vim.o.spell)) "Toggle spell checking"]
"d" [vim.lsp.buf.hover "Show documentation"]
"x" (cmd "Lspsaga preview_definition" "Preview definition")
"o" (cmd "SymbolsOutline" "Outline")
@ -94,7 +100,8 @@
"n" (cmd "set relativenumber!" "toggle relative numbers")
"m" (cmd "set nonumber! norelativenumber" "toggle numbers")
"g" (cmd "ZenMode" "toggle zen mode")
"i" (cmd "IndentGuidesToggle" "toggle indent guides")}
"i" (cmd "IndentGuidesToggle" "toggle indent guides")
"w" (cmd "set wrap! linebreak!" "toggle linewrapping")}
"b" {:name "+buffers"
"b" (cmd "Buffers" "select open buffer")
@ -34,6 +34,10 @@
:github/copilot.vim {:opt true :cmd ["Copilot"]}
:lervag/vimtex (cfg "dots.plugins.vimtex" {:opt true :ft ["tex"]})
:brymer-meneses/grammar-guard.nvim {:opt false
:requires ["williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer"
; sorted from here!
:Olical/aniseed {:branch "develop"}
@ -19,13 +19,13 @@
(fn on_attach [client bufnr]
(pkg lsp_signature.nvim [lsp_signature (require "lsp_signature")]
(lsp_signature.on_attach {:bind true
:hint_scheme "String"
:hint_prefix "ƒ "
:handler_opts {:border "single"}
:use_lspsaga false
:decorator ["`" "`"]}))
;(pkg lsp_signature.nvim [lsp_signature (require "lsp_signature")]
;(lsp_signature.on_attach {:bind true
;:hint_scheme "String"
;:hint_prefix "ƒ "
;:handler_opts {:border "single"}
;:use_lspsaga false
;:decorator ["`" "`"]}))
;(req dots.utils.highlight :LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError {:gui "underline"})
(if client.resolved_capabilities.document_highlight
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
(init-lsp :html)
(init-lsp :svelte)
(init-lsp :elmls)
(init-lsp :texlab)
(init-lsp :powershell_es {:bundle_path "/home/leon/powershell"})
@ -83,15 +84,12 @@
;(init-lsp :ccls)
(let [ewwls-path "/home/leon/coding/projects/ls-eww/crates/ewwls/target/debug/ewwls"]
(when (vim.fn.filereadable ewwls-path)
(when (not lsp.ewwls)
(set lsp-configs.ewwls
{:default_config {:cmd [ewwls-path]
:filetypes ["yuck"]
:root_dir (fn [fname] (or (lsp.util.find_git_ancestor fname) (vim.loop.os_homedir)))
:settings {}}}))
(init-lsp :ewwls)))
((. (require "grammar-guard") :init))
(init-lsp :grammar_guard {:cmd "~/.local/share/nvim/lsp_servers/ltex/ltex-ls/bin/ltex-ls"
:settings {:ltex {:language "de"
:enabled ["latex" "tex"]}}})
(init-lsp :cssls {:filestypes ["css" "scss" "less" "stylus"]
@ -130,14 +128,29 @@
(vim.fn.expand "$VIMRUNTIME/lua/vim/lsp") true}}
:telemetry false}}}))
(when (not lsp.prolog_lsp)
(tset lsp-configs :prolog_lsp
{:default_config {:cmd ["swipl" "-g" "use_module(library(lsp_server))." "-g" "lsp_server:main" "-t" "halt" "--" "stdio"]
:filetypes ["prolog"]
:root_dir (fn [fname] (or (lsp.util.find_git_ancestor fname) (vim.loop.os_homedir)))
:settings {}}}))
(lsp.prolog_lsp.setup {})
(when (not lsp.prolog_lsp)
(tset lsp-configs :prolog_lsp
{:default_config {:cmd ["swipl" "-g" "use_module(library(lsp_server))." "-g" "lsp_server:main" "-t" "halt" "--" "stdio"]
:filetypes ["prolog"]
:root_dir (fn [fname] (or (lsp.util.find_git_ancestor fname) (vim.loop.os_homedir)))
:settings {}}}))
(lsp.prolog_lsp.setup {}))
(let [ewwls-path "/home/leon/coding/projects/ls-eww/crates/ewwls/target/debug/ewwls"]
(when (vim.fn.filereadable ewwls-path)
(when (not lsp.ewwls)
(set lsp-configs.ewwls
{:default_config {:cmd [ewwls-path]
:filetypes ["yuck"]
:root_dir (fn [fname] (or (lsp.util.find_git_ancestor fname) (vim.loop.os_homedir)))
:settings {}}}))
(init-lsp :ewwls))))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(module dots.plugins.vimtex)
(set vim.g.vimtex_view_method "general")
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ myLayout = noBorders
-- | if the screen is wider than 1900px it's horizontal, so use horizontal layouts.
-- if it's not, it's vertical, so use layouts for vertical screens.
layouts = PerScreen.ifWider 1900
layouts = PerScreen.ifWider 1900
(PerScreen.ifWider 3000 chonkyScreenLayouts (MTog.mkToggle1 ONLYONTOPHALF horizScreenLayouts))
@ -215,9 +215,9 @@ rectangleCenterPiece ratio (Rectangle rx ry rw rh) = Rectangle start ry width rh
data ONLYONTOPHALF = ONLYONTOPHALF deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Typeable)
instance MTog.Transformer ONLYONTOPHALF Window where
transform ONLYONTOPHALF layout k = k (onlyOnTopHalf 0.62 layout) (const layout)
transform ONLYONTOPHALF layout k = k (onlyOnTopHalf 0.62 layout) (const layout)
newtype OnlyOnTopHalf a = OnlyOnTopHalf Double deriving (Show, Read)
newtype OnlyOnTopHalf a = OnlyOnTopHalf Double deriving (Show, Read)
instance LayoutModifier OnlyOnTopHalf Window where
pureModifier (OnlyOnTopHalf ratio) _screenRect _ wins = (fmap (second (rectangleTopHalf ratio)) wins, Nothing)
@ -561,6 +561,31 @@ main = do
-- }}}
-- | for a list of queries, finds the first one that
-- matches the currently focused window and executes that X action,
-- or a fallback if no window is active.
perQueryAction :: X () -> [(Query Bool, X ())] -> X ()
perQueryAction fallback options = withWindowSet $ \ws -> case W.peek ws of
Nothing -> fallback
Just w -> do
matching <- findM (\(q, _) -> runQuery q w) options
maybe fallback snd matching
findM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m (Maybe a)
findM _ [] = pure Nothing
findM f (x:xs) = do b <- f x; if b then pure $ Just x else findM f xs
fooElseBar :: X ()
fooElseBar = perQueryAction
(spawn "notify-send no window")
[ ((className =? "Alacritty"), spawn "notify-send kek hehe")
, ((className =? "Google-chrome"), spawn "notify-send chrome user")
myActivateManageHook :: ManageHook
myActivateManageHook = pure mempty
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