mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 04:12:14 +00:00
Cleanup xmonad config
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 166 additions and 152 deletions
@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ SINK_ICON=""
# the names of your active sinks, use `pactl list sinks short`.
# Maps PulseAudio sink names to human-readable names
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ import XMonad.Util.SpawnOnce (spawnOnce)
import XMonad.Util.WorkspaceCompare ( getSortByXineramaPhysicalRule , getSortByIndex)
import qualified Data.Monoid
import Data.Traversable ( for )
import qualified System.IO as SysIO
import qualified XMonad.Actions.Navigation2D as Nav2d
import qualified XMonad.Config.Desktop as Desktop
@ -231,163 +232,178 @@ multiMonitorOperation operation n = do
-- Default mappings that need to be removed
removedKeys :: [String]
removedKeys = ["M-<Tab>", "M-S-c", "M-S-q", "M-h", "M-l", "M-j", "M-k", "M-S-<Return>"]
++ if useSharedWorkspaces then [key ++ show n | key <- ["M-", "M-S-", "M-C-"], n <- [1..9 :: Int]] else []
++ if useSharedWorkspaces then [] else [key ++ show n | key <- ["M-", "M-S-", "M-C-"], n <- [1..9 :: Int]]
myKeys :: [(String, X ())]
myKeys =
-- ZoomRow
[ ("M-+", sendMessage zoomIn)
, ("M--", sendMessage zoomOut)
, ("M-#", sendMessage zoomReset)
myKeys = concat [ zoomRowBindings, tabbedBindings, multiMonitorBindings, programLaunchBindings, miscBindings, windowControlBindings, workspaceBindings ]
keyDirPairs = [("h", L), ("j", D), ("k", U), ("l", R)]
, ("M-S-<Space>", for_ [1..6 :: Int] $ \_ -> sendMessage $ NextLayout)
zoomRowBindings :: [(String, X ())]
zoomRowBindings =
[ ("M-+", sendMessage zoomIn)
, ("M--", sendMessage zoomOut)
, ("M-#", sendMessage zoomReset)
-- Tabs
, ("M-j", ifLayoutName ("Tabbed" `isPrefixOf`) (BoringWindows.focusDown) (windows W.focusDown))
, ("M-k", ifLayoutName ("Tabbed" `isPrefixOf`) (BoringWindows.focusUp) (windows W.focusUp))
, ("M-C-S-h", sendMessage $ pullGroup L)
, ("M-C-S-j", sendMessage $ pullGroup D)
, ("M-C-S-k", sendMessage $ pullGroup U)
, ("M-C-S-l", sendMessage $ pullGroup R)
, ("M-S-C-m", withFocused (sendMessage . MergeAll))
, ("M-S-C-<Backspace>", withFocused (sendMessage . UnMerge))
, ("M-<Tab>", onGroup W.focusDown')
, ("M-C-<Tab>", onGroup W.focusUp')
, ("M-S-t", toggleTabbedLayout)
tabbedBindings :: [(String, X ())]
tabbedBindings =
[ ("M-j", ifLayoutName ("Tabbed" `isPrefixOf`) (BoringWindows.focusDown) (windows W.focusDown))
, ("M-k", ifLayoutName ("Tabbed" `isPrefixOf`) (BoringWindows.focusUp) (windows W.focusUp))
, ("M-C-S-h", sendMessage $ pullGroup L)
, ("M-C-S-j", sendMessage $ pullGroup D)
, ("M-C-S-k", sendMessage $ pullGroup U)
, ("M-C-S-l", sendMessage $ pullGroup R)
, ("M-S-C-m", withFocused (sendMessage . MergeAll))
, ("M-S-C-<Backspace>", withFocused (sendMessage . UnMerge))
, ("M-<Tab>", onGroup W.focusDown')
, ("M-C-<Tab>", onGroup W.focusUp')
, ("M-S-t", toggleTabbedLayout)
-- In tabbed mode, while focussing master pane, cycle tabs on the first slave
, ("M-S-<Tab>", do windows W.focusMaster
onGroup W.focusDown'
windows W.focusMaster)
-- In tabbed mode, while focussing master pane, cycle tabs on the first slave
, ("M-S-<Tab>", do windows W.focusMaster
onGroup W.focusDown'
windows W.focusMaster)
multiMonitorBindings :: [(String, X ())]
multiMonitorBindings =
[ ("M-s", multiMonitorOperation W.view 1)
, ("M-d", multiMonitorOperation W.view 0)
, ("M-S-s", (multiMonitorOperation W.shift 1) >> multiMonitorOperation W.view 1)
, ("M-S-d", (multiMonitorOperation W.shift 0) >> multiMonitorOperation W.view 0)
programLaunchBindings :: [(String, X ())]
programLaunchBindings =
[ ("M-p", spawn myLauncher)
, ("M-S-p", Rofi.showCombi (def { Rofi.theme = Rofi.bigTheme }) [ "drun", "window", "ssh" ])
, ("M-S-e", Rofi.showNormal (def { Rofi.theme = Rofi.bigTheme, Rofi.fuzzy = False }) "emoji")
--, ("M-s", spawn $ scriptFile "rofi-search.sh")
, ("M-S-o", spawn $ scriptFile "rofi-open.sh")
, ("M-n", scratchpadSubmap)
, ("M-e", Rofi.promptRunCommand def specialCommands)
, ("M-o", Rofi.promptRunCommand def withSelectionCommands)
, ("M-S-C-g", spawn "killall -INT -g giph" >> notify "gif" "saved gif in ~/Bilder/gifs") -- stop gif recording
--, ("M-b", launchWithBackgroundInstance (className =? "qutebrowser") "bwrap --bind / / --dev-bind /dev /dev --tmpfs /tmp --tmpfs /run qutebrowser")
, ("M-b", safeSpawnProg "qutebrowser")
, ("M-S-<Return>", launchWithBackgroundInstance (className =? "Alacritty") "alacritty")
miscBindings :: [(String, X ())]
miscBindings =
[ ("M-f", do sendMessage (MTog.Toggle MTog.FULL)
sendMessage ToggleStruts)
, ("M-C-S-w", sendMessage $ MTog.Toggle WINDOWDECORATION)
, ("M-S-C-c", kill1)
, ("M-S-C-q", io exitSuccess)
-- Binary space partitioning
, ("M-<Backspace>", sendMessage Swap)
, ("M-M1-<Backspace>", sendMessage Rotate)
-- Media
, ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn "amixer sset Master 5%+")
, ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", spawn "amixer sset Master 5%-")
, ("M-S-C-,", (notify "hi" (show $ map (\(a, _) -> show a) workspaceBindings)) >> (notify "ho" (show removedKeys)))
workspaceBindings :: [(String, X ())]
workspaceBindings =
if useSharedWorkspaces
then []
else concat $
[ [ ("M-" ++ show wspNum, runActionOnWorkspace W.view wspNum)
, ("M-S-" ++ show wspNum, runActionOnWorkspace W.shift wspNum)
, ("M-C-" ++ show wspNum, runActionOnWorkspace copy wspNum)
| wspNum <- [1..9 :: Int]
runActionOnWorkspace action wspNum = do
wsps <- workspaces' <$> asks config
windows $ onCurrentScreen action (wsps !! (wspNum - 1))
, ("M-f", do sendMessage $ MTog.Toggle MTog.FULL
sendMessage ToggleStruts)
, ("M-C-S-w", sendMessage $ MTog.Toggle WINDOWDECORATION)
--, ("M-b", launchWithBackgroundInstance (className =? "qutebrowser") "bwrap --bind / / --dev-bind /dev /dev --tmpfs /tmp --tmpfs /run qutebrowser")
, ("M-b", safeSpawnProg "qutebrowser")
, ("M-S-<Return>", launchWithBackgroundInstance (className =? "Alacritty") "alacritty")
, ("M-S-C-c", kill1)
, ("M-S-C-q", io exitSuccess)
-- Binary space partitioning
, ("M-<Backspace>", sendMessage Swap)
, ("M-M1-<Backspace>", sendMessage Rotate)
-- Media
, ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn "amixer sset Master 5%+")
, ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", spawn "amixer sset Master 5%-")
-- Multi monitor
, ("M-s", multiMonitorOperation W.view 1)
, ("M-d", multiMonitorOperation W.view 0)
, ("M-S-s", (multiMonitorOperation W.shift 1) >> multiMonitorOperation W.view 1)
, ("M-S-d", (multiMonitorOperation W.shift 0) >> multiMonitorOperation W.view 0)
-- programs
, ("M-p", spawn myLauncher)
, ("M-S-p", Rofi.showCombi (def { Rofi.theme = Rofi.bigTheme }) [ "drun", "window", "ssh" ])
, ("M-S-e", Rofi.showNormal (def { Rofi.theme = Rofi.bigTheme, Rofi.fuzzy = False }) "emoji")
--, ("M-s", spawn $ scriptFile "rofi-search.sh")
, ("M-S-o", spawn $ scriptFile "rofi-open.sh")
, ("M-n", scratchpadSubmap)
, ("M-e", Rofi.promptRunCommand def specialCommands)
, ("M-o", Rofi.promptRunCommand def withSelectionCommands)
, ("M-S-C-g", spawn "killall -INT -g giph" >> notify "gif" "saved gif in ~/Bilder/gifs") -- stop gif recording
] ++ generatedMappings
generatedMappings :: [(String, X ())]
generatedMappings = windowGoMappings ++ windowSwapMappings ++ resizeMappings ++ workspaceMappings
workspaceMappings =
if useSharedWorkspaces then [] else
[ (mappingPrefix ++ show wspNum,
-- get all workspaces from the config by running an X action to query the config
wsps <- workspaces' <$> asks config
windows $ onCurrentScreen action (wsps !! (wspNum - 1))
| (wspNum) <- [1..9 :: Int]
, (mappingPrefix, action) <- [("M-", W.view), ("M-S-", W.shift), ("M-C-", copy)]
keyDirPairs = [("h", L), ("j", D), ("k", U), ("l", R)]
windowGoMappings = [ ("M-M1-" ++ key, Nav2d.windowGo dir False) | (key, dir) <- keyDirPairs ]
windowSwapMappings = [ ("M-S-M1-" ++ key, Nav2d.windowSwap dir False) | (key, dir) <- keyDirPairs ]
resizeMappings =
[ ("M-C-h", ifLayoutIs "BSP" (sendMessage $ ExpandTowards L) (ifLayoutIs "Horizon" (sendMessage ShrinkSlave) (sendMessage Shrink)))
, ("M-C-j", ifLayoutIs "BSP" (sendMessage $ ExpandTowards D) (ifLayoutIs "Horizon" (sendMessage Expand) (sendMessage MirrorShrink >> sendMessage ExpandSlave)))
, ("M-C-k", ifLayoutIs "BSP" (sendMessage $ ExpandTowards U) (ifLayoutIs "Horizon" (sendMessage Shrink) (sendMessage MirrorExpand >> sendMessage ShrinkSlave)))
, ("M-C-l", ifLayoutIs "BSP" (sendMessage $ ExpandTowards R) (ifLayoutIs "Horizon" (sendMessage ExpandSlave) (sendMessage Expand)))
scratchpadSubmap :: X ()
scratchpadSubmap = DescribedSubmap.describedSubmap "Scratchpads"
[ ("M-n", "terminal", namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "terminal")
, ("M-w", "whatsapp", namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "whatsapp")
, ("M-s", "slack", namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "slack")
, ("M-m", "spotify", namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "spotify")
, ("M-d", "discord", namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "discord")
windowControlBindings :: [(String, X ())]
windowControlBindings = windowGoMappings ++ windowSwapMappings ++ resizeMappings
windowGoMappings = [ ("M-M1-" ++ key, Nav2d.windowGo dir False) | (key, dir) <- keyDirPairs ]
windowSwapMappings = [ ("M-S-M1-" ++ key, Nav2d.windowSwap dir False) | (key, dir) <- keyDirPairs ]
resizeMappings =
[ ("M-C-h", ifLayoutIs "BSP" (sendMessage $ ExpandTowards L) (ifLayoutIs "Horizon" (sendMessage ShrinkSlave) (sendMessage Shrink)))
, ("M-C-j", ifLayoutIs "BSP" (sendMessage $ ExpandTowards D) (ifLayoutIs "Horizon" (sendMessage Expand) (sendMessage MirrorShrink >> sendMessage ExpandSlave)))
, ("M-C-k", ifLayoutIs "BSP" (sendMessage $ ExpandTowards U) (ifLayoutIs "Horizon" (sendMessage Shrink) (sendMessage MirrorExpand >> sendMessage ShrinkSlave)))
, ("M-C-l", ifLayoutIs "BSP" (sendMessage $ ExpandTowards R) (ifLayoutIs "Horizon" (sendMessage ExpandSlave) (sendMessage Expand)))
-- | toggle tabbed Tall layout, merging all non-master windows
-- into a single tab group when initializing the tabbed layout.
toggleTabbedLayout :: X ()
toggleTabbedLayout = do
sendMessage $ ToggleLayouts.Toggle "Tabbed"
ifLayoutIs "Tabbed" (do BoringWindows.focusMaster
withFocused (sendMessage . MergeAll)
withFocused (sendMessage . UnMerge)
-- refresh the tabs, so they draw correctly
windows W.focusUp
windows W.focusDown)
(return ())
-- | launch a program by starting an instance in a hidden workspace,
-- and just raising an already running instance. This allows for super quick "startup" time.
-- For this to work, the window needs to have the `_NET_WM_PID` set and unique!
launchWithBackgroundInstance :: (Query Bool) -> String -> X ()
launchWithBackgroundInstance windowQuery commandToRun = withWindowSet $ \winSet -> do
fittingHiddenWindows <- (W.allWindows winSet) |> filter (\win -> Just "NSP" == W.findTag win winSet)
|> filterM (runQuery windowQuery)
case fittingHiddenWindows of
[] -> do spawnHere commandToRun
spawnOn "NSP" commandToRun
[winId] -> do windows $ W.shiftWin (W.currentTag winSet) winId
spawnOn "NSP" commandToRun
(winId:_) -> windows $ W.shiftWin (W.currentTag winSet) winId
withSelectionCommands :: [(String, X ())]
withSelectionCommands =
[ ("Google", XSel.transformPromptSelection ("https://google.com/search?q=" ++) "qutebrowser")
, ("Hoogle", XSel.transformPromptSelection ("https://hoogle.haskell.org/?hoogle=" ++) "qutebrowser")
, ("Translate", XSel.transformPromptSelection ("https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=auto&tl=en&text=" ++) "qutebrowser")
specialCommands :: [(String, X ())]
specialCommands =
[ ("screenshot", spawn $ scriptFile "screenshot.sh")
, ("screenshot to file", spawn $ scriptFile "screenshot.sh --tofile")
, ("screenshot full to file", spawn $ scriptFile "screenshot.sh --tofile --fullscreen")
, ("screengif to file", spawn (scriptFile "screengif.sh") >> notify "gif" "stop gif-recording with M-S-C-g")
, ("toggleOptimal", sendMessage ToggleGaps >> toggleWindowSpacingEnabled)
, ("toggleSpacing", toggleWindowSpacingEnabled)
, ("toggleGaps", sendMessage ToggleGaps)
, ("Copy to all workspaces", windows copyToAll)
, ("Kill all other copies", killAllOtherCopies)
, ("toggle polybar", sendMessage ToggleStruts >> safeSpawn "polybar-msg" ["cmd", "toggle"])
scratchpadSubmap :: X ()
scratchpadSubmap = DescribedSubmap.describedSubmap "Scratchpads"
[ ("M-n", "terminal", namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "terminal")
, ("M-w", "whatsapp", namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "whatsapp")
, ("M-s", "slack", namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "slack")
, ("M-m", "spotify", namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "spotify")
, ("M-d", "discord", namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "discord")
-- | toggle tabbed Tall layout, merging all non-master windows
-- into a single tab group when initializing the tabbed layout.
toggleTabbedLayout :: X ()
toggleTabbedLayout = do
sendMessage $ ToggleLayouts.Toggle "Tabbed"
ifLayoutIs "Tabbed" (do BoringWindows.focusMaster
withFocused (sendMessage . MergeAll)
withFocused (sendMessage . UnMerge)
-- refresh the tabs, so they draw correctly
windows W.focusUp
windows W.focusDown)
(return ())
-- | launch a program by starting an instance in a hidden workspace,
-- and just raising an already running instance. This allows for super quick "startup" time.
-- For this to work, the window needs to have the `_NET_WM_PID` set and unique!
launchWithBackgroundInstance :: (Query Bool) -> String -> X ()
launchWithBackgroundInstance windowQuery commandToRun = withWindowSet $ \winSet -> do
fittingHiddenWindows <- (W.allWindows winSet) |> filter (\win -> Just "NSP" == W.findTag win winSet)
|> filterM (runQuery windowQuery)
case fittingHiddenWindows of
[] -> do spawnHere commandToRun
spawnOn "NSP" commandToRun
[winId] -> do windows $ W.shiftWin (W.currentTag winSet) winId
spawnOn "NSP" commandToRun
(winId:_) -> windows $ W.shiftWin (W.currentTag winSet) winId
withSelectionCommands :: [(String, X ())]
withSelectionCommands =
[ ("Google", XSel.transformPromptSelection ("https://google.com/search?q=" ++) "qutebrowser")
, ("Hoogle", XSel.transformPromptSelection ("https://hoogle.haskell.org/?hoogle=" ++) "qutebrowser")
, ("Translate", XSel.transformPromptSelection ("https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=auto&tl=en&text=" ++) "qutebrowser")
specialCommands :: [(String, X ())]
specialCommands =
[ ("screenshot", spawn $ scriptFile "screenshot.sh")
, ("screenshot to file", spawn $ scriptFile "screenshot.sh --tofile")
, ("screenshot full to file", spawn $ scriptFile "screenshot.sh --tofile --fullscreen")
, ("screengif to file", spawn (scriptFile "screengif.sh") >> notify "gif" "stop gif-recording with M-S-C-g")
, ("toggleOptimal", sendMessage ToggleGaps >> toggleWindowSpacingEnabled)
, ("toggleSpacing", toggleWindowSpacingEnabled)
, ("toggleGaps", sendMessage ToggleGaps)
, ("Copy to all workspaces", windows copyToAll)
, ("Kill all other copies", killAllOtherCopies)
, ("toggle polybar", sendMessage ToggleStruts >> safeSpawn "polybar-msg" ["cmd", "toggle"])
-- }}}
@ -420,7 +436,7 @@ main = do
let polybarLogHooks = composeAll $ map polybarLogHook monitorIndices
let myConfig = flip additionalKeysP myKeys
. flip removeKeysP removedKeys
$ flip removeKeysP removedKeys
$ Desktop.desktopConfig
{ terminal = myTerminal
, workspaces = if useSharedWorkspaces
@ -18,15 +18,11 @@ def run_fan_check():
temp = float(re.findall(r"^Tdie:\s*\+(.*?)°C.+", temp)[0])
if temp < 50:
fan_speed = 0
elif temp < 60:
fan_speed = 10
elif temp < 70:
fan_speed = 20
elif temp < 75:
if temp < 60:
fan_speed = 30
elif temp < 80:
elif temp < 70:
fan_speed = 50
elif temp < 85:
elif temp < 80:
fan_speed = 100
print("applying fan curve to " + str(fan_speed) + "%, temp is " + str(temp))
Add table
Reference in a new issue