mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 04:12:14 +00:00
more vim stuff
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 167 additions and 133 deletions
@ -10,6 +10,14 @@
<progress value="{{volume}}" orientation="v" halign="start" flipped="true"/>
<def name="revtest">
<revealer reveal="{{reveal}}" transition="slideleft" duration="300ms">
hello, world
<def name="test">
<box class="{{some_var}}" space-evenly="false" spacing="10">
<scale value="{{scaleval}}" orientation="v" min="0" max="100" flipped="true" />
@ -18,19 +26,20 @@
<box> | {{ round((EWW_NET["enp34s0"].NET_UP) * 8 / (1024 * 1024), 2)}}
{{ round((EWW_NET["enp34s0"].NET_DOWN) * 8 / (1024 * 1024), 2)}}
| {{EWW_RAM}}
| {{ round((EWW_DISK["/"].free) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2)}}
{{ round((EWW_NET["enp34s0"].NET_DOWN) * 8 / (1024 * 1024), 2)}}
| {{EWW_RAM}}
| {{ round((EWW_DISK["/"].free) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2)}}
{{(EWW_NET[kek].NET_UP) * 10}}
<!--{{(EWW_NET[kek].NET_UP) * 10}}-->
asdf {{ round(0.1234, 2) }}
asdf {{ round(0.1234, 2) }}
<button onclick="pgrep 'eww' && echo '' || echo ''" cursor="wait">Test bug</button>
<button onclick="pgrep 'eww' && echo '' || echo ''" cursor="wait">Test bug</button>
<revealer reveal="{{reveal}}" transition="slideright" duration="300ms">
onclick="notify-send 'ree' 'this is {{shit}}'"
onmiddleclick="notify-send 'ree' 'MITTE'"
@ -38,62 +47,63 @@
click me
<calendar show-heading="false" show-day-names="false" day="2" onclick="notify-send 'asdf' '{}'" />
notify-send 'ree' 'this is {{shit}}'
<multiple text="{{shit}}" />
<calendar show-heading="false" show-day-names="false" day="2" onclick="notify-send 'asdf' '{}'" />
notify-send 'ree' 'this is {{shit}}'
<multiple text="{{shit}}" />
<!--<literal content="{{code}}"/>-->
<!--<literal content="{{code}}"/>-->
<def name="multiple">
<box orientation="v" space-evenly="false">
<def name="multiple">
<box orientation="v" space-evenly="false">
<box class="whatever lol">{{text}}</box>
<box style="color: blue;">{{text}}</box>
<box class="whatever lol">{{text}}</box>
<box style="color: blue;">{{text}}</box>
<label onscroll="notify-send '{{shit}}' {}" text="reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" limit-width="5" wrap="true" />
<!--<input onchange="eww update code='{}'" />-->
<label onscroll="notify-send '{{shit}}' {}" text="reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" limit-width="5" wrap="true" />
<!--<input onchange="eww update code='{}'" />-->
<def name="volume_popup">
<box orientation="v" space-evenly="true">
<scale flipped="true" orientation="v" value="{{volume}}" min="0" max="100" onchange="amixer sset 'Master' {}%" />
<def name="volume_popup">
<box orientation="v" space-evenly="true">
<scale flipped="true" orientation="v" value="{{volume}}" min="0" max="100" onchange="amixer sset 'Master' {}%" />
<def name="music">
<box class="hi ho" orientation="h" valign="start" space-evenly="false" hexpand="true">
<image visible="{{song-image-visible}}" path="{{song-image}}" width="150" height="150" />
<box orientation="v" halign="fill" space-evenly="false" vexpand="true" hexpand="true">
<box class="data" vexpand="true">
<box orientation="v" halign="start">
<label class="songname" halign="start" limit-width="30" text="{{song-name}}" />
<box space-evenly="false" halign="start">
<label class="key" text="Album: " />
<label halign="start" limit-width="30" text="{{song-album}}" />
<box space-evenly="false" halign="start">
<label class="key" text="By: " />
<label halign="start" limit-width="30" text="{{song-artist}}" />
<box class="buttons" hexpand="true">
<button onclick="playerctl previous"></button>
<button onclick="playerctl play-pause">{{song-playpause}}</button>
<button onclick="playerctl next"></button>
<def name="music">
<box class="hi ho" orientation="h" valign="start" space-evenly="false" hexpand="true">
<image visible="{{song-image-visible}}" path="{{song-image}}" width="150" height="150" />
<box orientation="v" halign="fill" space-evenly="false" vexpand="true" hexpand="true">
<box class="data" vexpand="true">
<box orientation="v" halign="start">
<label class="songname" halign="start" limit-width="30" text="{{song-name}}" />
<box space-evenly="false" halign="start">
<label class="key" text="Album: " />
<label halign="start" limit-width="30" text="{{song-album}}" />
<box space-evenly="false" halign="start">
<label class="key" text="By: " />
<label halign="start" limit-width="30" text="{{song-artist}}" />
<box class="buttons" hexpand="true">
<button onclick="playerctl previous"></button>
<button onclick="playerctl play-pause">{{song-playpause}}</button>
<button onclick="playerctl next"></button>
@ -106,12 +116,15 @@
<var name="reveal">
<var name="shit">
<var name="some_var"></var>
<var name="code"></var>
<script-var name="scaleval" interval="50ms">
echo 25
@ -124,82 +137,90 @@
<var name="song-artist"></var>
<var name="song-show-progress">false</var>
<var name="song-playpause"></var>
<!--<script-var name="date" interval="1s">-->
<!--<script-var name="date" interval="1s">-->
<script-var name="date-tail">
<!--while true; do-->
<!--sleep 1;-->
<!--notify-send 'hi' 'ho'-->
<script-var name="date" interval="1s">
<script-var interval="100ms" name="lmao">
cat ~/fuck
<var name="bruh">
{"hi": "ho", "hey": "fuck", "lol": "test" }
<script-var name="kek" interval="1s">
<!--<script-var name="xyz">-->
<!--tail -F /home/leon/test | while read -r _; do notify-send "Hi"; done-->
<!--<script-var name="foo">-->
<!--tail -F /home/leon/test-->
<script-var name="date-tail">
while true; do
sleep 1;
notify-send 'hi' 'ho'
<script-var name="date" interval="1s">
<script-var interval="100ms" name="lmao">
cat ~/fuck
<var name="bruh">
{"hi": "ho", "hey": "fuck", "lol": "test" }
<script-var name="kek" interval="1s">
<!--<script-var name="xyz">-->
<!--tail -F /home/leon/test | while read -r _; do notify-send "Hi"; done-->
<!--<script-var name="foo">-->
<!--tail -F /home/leon/test-->
<window screen="0" name="px" stacking="fg" focusable="false">
<geometry anchor="center" width="10px" height="100%" x="1px" y="0px"/>
<window screen="0" name="px" stacking="fg" focusable="false">
<geometry anchor="center" width="10px" height="100%" x="1px" y="0px"/>
<window screen="0" name="mw" stacking="fg" focusable="false" windowtype="dock" wm-ignore="false" sticky="false">
<!--<window screen="2" name="mw" stacking="fg" focusable="false">-->
<!--<geometry anchor="center" width="20%" height="20%" x="50px" y="50px"/>-->
<geometry anchor="top center" width="20%" height="20%" x="0px" y="0px"/>
<reserve side="left" distance="30%"/>
<test ree="test" />
<window screen="0" name="mw" stacking="fg" focusable="false">
<!--<window screen="2" name="mw" stacking="fg" focusable="false">-->
<geometry anchor="center" width="20%" height="20%" x="50px" y="50px"/>
<reserve side="left" distance="80px"/>
<test ree="test" />
<window screen="0" name="mw2" stacking="fg">
<geometry anchor="bottom right"/>
<!--<test ree="test" />-->
<window screen="0" name="volume_popup">
<geometry />
<volume_popup />
<window screen="0" name="music">
<music />
<window screen="0" name="rev">
<geometry anchor="bottom center" width="0" height="0"/>
<window screen="0" name="mw2" stacking="fg">
<geometry anchor="bottom right"/>
<!--<test ree="test" />-->
<window screen="0" name="volume_popup">
<geometry />
<volume_popup />
<window screen="0" name="music">
<music />
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
; undo autopairs fuckup
(set vim.g.AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert "<M-b>")
(utils.keymap [:n] :<C-p> "<cmd>Telescope find_files<cr>")
(utils.keymap [:n] :<C-p> "<cmd>Telescope file_browser<cr>")
(utils.keymap :n :K "<Nop>")
(utils.keymap :v :K "<Nop>")
@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
"h" (cmd "bprevious" "previous buffer")
"l" (cmd "bnext" "next buffer")
"o" (cmd "Telescope live_grep" "Grep files")
"p" (cmd "Telescope file_browser" "Open file-browser")
"p" (cmd "Telescope frecency" "Open file-browser")
;"p" (cmd "Telescope find_files" "Open file-browser")
":" (cmd "Telescope commands" "Search command with fzf")
"s" (cmd "w" "Save file")
@ -16,7 +16,15 @@
:nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim {:mod "dots.plugins.telescope"
:cmd ["Telescope"]
:requires [:nvim-lua/popup.nvim :nvim-lua/plenary.nvim]}
:requires [:nvim-lua/popup.nvim
:nvim-telescope/telescope-frecency.nvim {:requires [:tami5/sql.nvim]
:opt false}
;:config #((. (require :telescope) :load_extension) "frecency")}
:kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons {}
@ -108,6 +116,8 @@
;; --------------------
:AndrewRadev/splitjoin.vim {}
:Olical/conjure {}
:tami5/compe-conjure {:requires [:Olical/conjure]}
@ -79,7 +79,8 @@
(let [rust-tools (require "rust-tools")]
(rust-tools.setup {:tools {:inlay_hints {:show_parameter_hints false}}}))
(rust-tools.setup {:tools {:inlay_hints {:show_parameter_hints false}
:autoSetHints false}}))
(let [sumneko_root_path (.. vim.env.HOME "/.local/share/lua-language-server")
sumneko_binary (.. sumneko_root_path "/bin/Linux/lua-language-server")]
@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
{:defaults {:mappings {:i {:<esc> actions.close}}}})
;(telescope.load_extension "dap")
(telescope.load_extension "frecency")
(utils.keymap :n :<C-p> ":Telescope find_files<CR>")
@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
(utils.highlight-add :SignColumn {:bg colors.dark0})
(utils.highlight-add :FloatBorder {:bg colors.dark0_hard})
(utils.highlight-add :SpecialComment {:fg colors.dark4})
(utils.highlight ["StatusLine" "GalaxyLineInfo" "GalaxySpace" ] {:bg colors.dark1 :fg colors.light0})
Add table
Reference in a new issue