mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 04:12:14 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 351 additions and 50 deletions
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName (setWMName)
import XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition
import XMonad.Layout.BorderResize
import XMonad.Layout.Gaps
import XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens
--import qualified XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens as IS
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators ((|||))
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutHints
import XMonad.Layout.MouseResizableTile
@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, maybeToList, fromMaybe)
import Data.Bifunctor
import GHC.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier
import qualified IndependentScreens as IS
--import XMonad.Layout.MultiColumns (multiCol)
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Redundant $" #-}
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Redundant bracket" #-}
@ -334,12 +335,12 @@ myKeys = concat [ zoomRowBindings, tabbedBindings, multiMonitorBindings, program
multiMonitorBindings :: [(String, X ())]
multiMonitorBindings =
[ ("M-s", windows $ withFocusedOnScreen 2 W.view)
, ("M-a", windows $ withFocusedOnScreen 1 W.view)
, ("M-d", windows $ withFocusedOnScreen 0 W.view)
, ("M-S-s", windows $ withFocusedOnScreen 2 (\wsp -> W.view wsp >> W.shift wsp))
, ("M-S-a", windows $ withFocusedOnScreen 1 (\wsp -> W.view wsp >> W.shift wsp))
, ("M-S-d", windows $ withFocusedOnScreen 0 (\wsp -> W.view wsp >> W.shift wsp))
[ ("M-s", windows $ IS.focusScreen 2)
, ("M-a", windows $ IS.focusScreen 1)
, ("M-d", windows $ IS.focusScreen 0)
, ("M-S-s", windows $ IS.withWspOnScreen 2 (\wsp -> W.view wsp . W.shift wsp))
, ("M-S-a", windows $ IS.withWspOnScreen 1 (\wsp -> W.view wsp . W.shift wsp))
, ("M-S-d", windows $ IS.withWspOnScreen 0 (\wsp -> W.view wsp . W.shift wsp))
, ("M-C-s", windows swapScreenContents)
@ -406,12 +407,13 @@ myKeys = concat [ zoomRowBindings, tabbedBindings, multiMonitorBindings, program
| wspNum <- [1..9 :: Int]
runActionOnWorkspace :: (VirtualWorkspace -> WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> Int -> X ()
runActionOnWorkspace :: (IS.VirtualWorkspace -> WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> Int -> X ()
runActionOnWorkspace action wspNum = do
wsps <- workspaces' <$> asks config
if length wsps > (wspNum - 1)
then windows $ onCurrentScreen action (wsps !! (wspNum - 1))
else pure ()
desiredWsp <- IS.nthWorkspace (wspNum - 1)
case desiredWsp of
Just wsp -> windows $ IS.onCurrentScreen action wsp
Nothing -> pure ()
windowControlBindings :: [(String, X ())]
@ -537,7 +539,7 @@ myManageHook = composeAll
-- Main ------------------------------------ {{{
main :: IO ()
main = do
currentScreenCount :: Int <- countScreens
currentScreenCount :: Int <- IS.countScreens
let monitorIndices = [0..currentScreenCount - 1]
@ -554,7 +556,7 @@ main = do
{ terminal = myTerminal
, workspaces = if useSharedWorkspaces
then (map show [1..9 :: Int]) ++ ["NSP"]
else (withScreens (fromIntegral currentScreenCount) (map show [1..6 :: Int])) ++ ["NSP"]
else (IS.withScreens (fromIntegral currentScreenCount) (map show [1..6 :: Int])) ++ ["NSP"]
, modMask = myModMask
, borderWidth = 0
, layoutHook = myLayout
@ -605,13 +607,12 @@ activateWindowEventHook (ClientMessageEvent { ev_message_type = messageType, ev_
shouldRaise <- runQuery (className =? "discord" <||> className =? "web.whatsapp.com") window
if shouldRaise
then windows (W.shiftWin (W.currentTag ws) window)
else withWindowSet $ focusWindowIndependentScreens window
else windows (IS.focusWindow' window)
return $ All True
activateWindowEventHook _ = return $ All True
-- | Fixes fullscreen behaviour of chromium based apps by quickly applying and undoing a resize.
-- This causes chromium to recalculate the fullscreen window
-- dimensions to match the actual "windowed fullscreen" dimensions.
@ -621,9 +622,13 @@ fullscreenFixEventHook (ClientMessageEvent _ _ _ dpy win typ (_:dats)) = do
fullscreen <- getAtom "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN"
when (typ == wmstate && fromIntegral fullscreen `elem` dats) $ do
withWindowAttributes dpy win $ \attrs ->
liftIO $ resizeWindow dpy win (fromIntegral $ wa_width attrs - 1) (fromIntegral $ wa_height attrs)
withWindowAttributes dpy win $ \attrs ->
liftIO $ resizeWindow dpy win (fromIntegral $ wa_width attrs + 1) (fromIntegral $ wa_height attrs)
liftIO $ do
resizeWindow dpy win (fromIntegral $ wa_width attrs - 1) (fromIntegral $ wa_height attrs)
resizeWindow dpy win (fromIntegral $ wa_width attrs) (fromIntegral $ wa_height attrs)
--withWindowAttributes dpy win $ \attrs ->
--liftIO $ resizeWindow dpy win (fromIntegral $ wa_width attrs - 1) (fromIntegral $ wa_height attrs)
--withWindowAttributes dpy win $ \attrs ->
--liftIO $ resizeWindow dpy win (fromIntegral $ wa_width attrs + 1) (fromIntegral $ wa_height attrs)
return $ All True
fullscreenFixEventHook _ = return $ All True
@ -643,7 +648,7 @@ polybarLogHook monitor = do
-- swapping namedScratchpadFilterOutWorkspacePP and marshallPP will throw "Prelude.read no Parse" errors..... wtf
-- | create a polybar Pretty printer, marshalled for given monitor.
polybarPP :: ScreenId -> PP
polybarPP monitor = namedScratchpadFilterOutWorkspacePP . (if useSharedWorkspaces then id else marshallPP $ fromIntegral monitor) $ def
polybarPP monitor = namedScratchpadFilterOutWorkspacePP . (if useSharedWorkspaces then id else IS.marshallPP $ fromIntegral monitor) $ def
{ ppCurrent = withFG aqua . withMargin . withFont 5 . const "__active__"
, ppVisible = withFG aqua . withMargin . withFont 5 . const "__active__"
, ppUrgent = withFG red . withMargin . withFont 5 . const "__urgent__"
@ -690,13 +695,13 @@ dropEndWhile test xs = if test $ last xs then dropEndWhile test (init xs) else
catchAndNotifyAny :: IO () -> IO ()
catchAndNotifyAny ioAction = catch ioAction (\(e :: SomeException) -> notify "Xmonad exception" (show e))
getVisibleWorkspacesTagsOnMonitor :: ScreenId -> X [VirtualWorkspace]
getVisibleWorkspacesTagsOnMonitor :: ScreenId -> X [IS.VirtualWorkspace]
getVisibleWorkspacesTagsOnMonitor monitor = do
ws <- gets windowset
return $ W.current ws : W.visible ws
|> map (W.tag . W.workspace)
|> filter (\tag -> monitor == fromIntegral (unmarshallS tag))
|> map unmarshallW
|> filter (\tag -> monitor == fromIntegral (IS.unmarshallS tag))
|> map IS.unmarshallW
notify :: MonadIO m => String -> String -> m ()
@ -717,32 +722,6 @@ getActiveLayoutDescription = (description . W.layout . W.workspace . W.current)
-- | Focus a window, switching workspace on the correct Xinerama screen if neccessary - respecting IndependentLayouts
focusWindowIndependentScreens :: Window -> WindowSet -> X ()
focusWindowIndependentScreens window ws
| Just window == W.peek ws = pure ()
| otherwise = case W.findTag window ws of
Just tag -> windows $ W.focusWindow window . withFocusedOnScreen (unmarshallS tag) W.view
Nothing -> pure ()
-- | Get the workspace that is active on a given screen
screenOnMonitor :: ScreenId -> WindowSet -> Maybe (W.Screen WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window ScreenId ScreenDetail)
screenOnMonitor screenId ws = Data.List.find ((screenId ==) . W.screen) (W.current ws : W.visible ws)
-- | Convert a function that needs a workspace id into a windowset transformation by providing it with the workspace currently focused on a given screen.
:: ScreenId -- ^ screen from which the workspaceId will be taken
-> (WorkspaceId -> WindowSet -> WindowSet) -- ^ operation that will be transformed
-> (WindowSet -> WindowSet)
withFocusedOnScreen screenId operation ws =
case screenOnMonitor screenId ws of
Just wsp -> operation (W.tag $ W.workspace wsp) ws
Nothing -> ws
-- }}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens
-- Copyright : (c) 2009 Daniel Wagner
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : <daniel@wagner-home.com>
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- Utility functions for simulating independent sets of workspaces on
-- each screen (like dwm's workspace model), using internal tags to
-- distinguish workspaces associated with each screen.
module IndependentScreens (
-- * Usage
-- $usage
VirtualWorkspace, PhysicalWorkspace,
withScreens, onCurrentScreen,
-- * Converting between virtual and physical workspaces
-- $converting
marshall, unmarshall, unmarshallS, unmarshallW,
marshallWindowSpace, unmarshallWindowSpace, marshallSort,
workspaceOnScreen, focusWindow', focusScreen, nthWorkspace, withWspOnScreen, activateWindowEventHook
) where
-- for the screen stuff
import Control.Applicative(liftA2)
import Control.Arrow hiding ((|||))
import Data.List (find, nub, genericLength)
import Graphics.X11.Xinerama
import XMonad
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
import Data.Monoid (All(All))
import Control.Monad (when)
-- $usage
-- You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
-- > import XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens
-- You can define your workspaces by calling @withScreens@:
-- > myConfig = def { workspaces = withScreens 2 ["web", "email", "irc"] }
-- This will create \"physical\" workspaces with distinct internal names for
-- each (screen, virtual workspace) pair.
-- Then edit any keybindings that use the list of workspaces or refer
-- to specific workspace names. In the default configuration, only
-- the keybindings for changing workspace do this:
-- > keyBindings conf = let m = modMask conf in fromList $
-- > {- lots of other keybindings -}
-- > [((m .|. modm, k), windows $ f i)
-- > | (i, k) <- zip (XMonad.workspaces conf) [xK_1 .. xK_9]
-- > , (f, m) <- [(W.greedyView, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
-- This should change to
-- > keyBindings conf = let m = modMask conf in fromList $
-- > {- lots of other keybindings -}
-- > [((m .|. modm, k), windows $ onCurrentScreen f i)
-- > | (i, k) <- zip (workspaces' conf) [xK_1 .. xK_9]
-- > , (f, m) <- [(W.greedyView, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
-- In particular, the analogue of @XMonad.workspaces@ is
-- @workspaces'@, and you can use @onCurrentScreen@ to convert functions
-- of virtual workspaces to functions of physical workspaces, which work
-- by marshalling the virtual workspace name and the currently focused
-- screen into a physical workspace name.
-- A complete example abusing many of the functions below is available in the
-- "XMonad.Config.Dmwit" module.
type VirtualWorkspace = WorkspaceId
type PhysicalWorkspace = WorkspaceId
-- $converting
-- You shouldn't need to use the functions below very much. They are used
-- internally. However, in some cases, they may be useful, and so are exported
-- just in case. In general, the \"marshall\" functions convert the convenient
-- form (like \"web\") you would like to use in your configuration file to the
-- inconvenient form (like \"2_web\") that xmonad uses internally. Similarly,
-- the \"unmarshall\" functions convert in the other direction.
marshall :: ScreenId -> VirtualWorkspace -> PhysicalWorkspace
marshall (S sc) vws = show sc ++ '_':vws
unmarshall :: PhysicalWorkspace -> (ScreenId, VirtualWorkspace)
unmarshallS :: PhysicalWorkspace -> ScreenId
unmarshallW :: PhysicalWorkspace -> VirtualWorkspace
unmarshall = ((S . read) *** drop 1) . break (=='_')
unmarshallS = fst . unmarshall
unmarshallW = snd . unmarshall
-- | Get a list of all the virtual workspace names.
workspaces' :: XConfig l -> [VirtualWorkspace]
workspaces' = nub . map (snd . unmarshall) . workspaces
withScreens :: ScreenId -- ^ The number of screens to make workspaces for
-> [VirtualWorkspace] -- ^ The desired virtual workspace names
-> [PhysicalWorkspace] -- ^ A list of all internal physical workspace names
withScreens n vws = [marshall sc pws | pws <- vws, sc <- [0..n-1]]
-- | Transform a function over physical workspaces into a function over virtual workspaces.
-- This is useful as it allows you to write code without caring about the current screen, i.e. to say "switch to workspace 3"
-- rather than saying "switch to workspace 3 on monitor 3".
onCurrentScreen :: (PhysicalWorkspace -> WindowSet -> a) -> (VirtualWorkspace -> WindowSet -> a)
onCurrentScreen f vws ws =
let currentScreenId = W.screen $ W.current ws
in f (marshall currentScreenId vws) ws
-- | Get the workspace currently active on a given screen
workspaceOnScreen :: ScreenId -> WindowSet -> Maybe PhysicalWorkspace
workspaceOnScreen screenId ws = W.tag . W.workspace <$> screenOnMonitor screenId ws
-- | generate WindowSet transformation by providing a given function with the workspace active on a given screen.
-- This may for example be used to shift a window to another screen as follows:
-- > windows $ withWspOnScreen 1 W.shift
withWspOnScreen :: ScreenId -- ^ The screen to run on
-> (PhysicalWorkspace -> WindowSet -> WindowSet) -- ^ The transformation that will be passed the workspace currently active on there
-> WindowSet -> WindowSet
withWspOnScreen screenId operation ws = case workspaceOnScreen screenId ws of
Just wsp -> operation wsp ws
Nothing -> ws
-- | Get the workspace that is active on a given screen.
screenOnMonitor :: ScreenId -> WindowSet -> Maybe (W.Screen WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window ScreenId ScreenDetail)
screenOnMonitor screenId ws = find ((screenId ==) . W.screen) (W.current ws : W.visible ws)
-- | Focus a window, switching workspace on the correct Xinerama screen if neccessary.
focusWindow' :: Window -> WindowSet -> WindowSet
focusWindow' window ws
| Just window == W.peek ws = ws
| otherwise = case W.findTag window ws of
Just tag -> W.focusWindow window $ focusScreen (unmarshallS tag) ws
Nothing -> ws
-- | Focus a given screen.
focusScreen :: ScreenId -> WindowSet -> WindowSet
focusScreen screenId = withWspOnScreen screenId W.view
-- | Get the nth virtual workspace
nthWorkspace :: Int -> X (Maybe VirtualWorkspace)
nthWorkspace n = (!!? n) . workspaces' <$> asks config
-- | HandleEventHook which makes the activate window event respect IndependentScreens.
-- Without this, a window requesting activation may cause a workspace switch
-- that shows a workspace from a different screen on the current one.
activateWindowEventHook :: Event -> X All
activateWindowEventHook ClientMessageEvent { ev_message_type = messageType, ev_window = window } = do
activateWindowAtom <- getAtom "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW"
when (messageType == activateWindowAtom) $
windows (focusWindow' window)
return $ All True
activateWindowEventHook _ = return $ All True
-- | In case you don't know statically how many screens there will be, you can call this in main before starting xmonad. For example, part of my config reads
-- > main = do
-- > nScreens <- countScreens
-- > xmonad $ def {
-- > ...
-- > workspaces = withScreens nScreens (workspaces def),
-- > ...
-- > }
countScreens :: (MonadIO m, Integral i) => m i
countScreens = fmap genericLength . liftIO $ openDisplay "" >>= liftA2 (<*) getScreenInfo closeDisplay
-- | This turns a naive pretty-printer into one that is aware of the
-- independent screens. That is, you can write your pretty printer to behave
-- the way you want on virtual workspaces; this function will convert that
-- pretty-printer into one that first filters out physical workspaces on other
-- screens, then converts all the physical workspaces on this screen to their
-- virtual names.
-- For example, if you have handles @hLeft@ and @hRight@ for bars on the left and right screens, respectively, and @pp@ is a pretty-printer function that takes a handle, you could write
-- > logHook = let log screen handle = dynamicLogWithPP . marshallPP screen . pp $ handle
-- > in log 0 hLeft >> log 1 hRight
marshallPP :: ScreenId -> PP -> PP
marshallPP s pp = pp {
ppCurrent = ppCurrent pp . snd . unmarshall,
ppVisible = ppVisible pp . snd . unmarshall,
ppHidden = ppHidden pp . snd . unmarshall,
ppHiddenNoWindows = ppHiddenNoWindows pp . snd . unmarshall,
ppUrgent = ppUrgent pp . snd . unmarshall,
ppSort = fmap (marshallSort s) (ppSort pp)
-- | Take a pretty-printer and turn it into one that only runs when the current
-- workspace is one associated with the given screen. The way this works is a
-- bit hacky, so beware: the 'ppOutput' field of the input will not be invoked
-- if either of the following conditions is met:
-- 1. The 'ppSort' of the input returns an empty list (when not given one).
-- 2. The 'ppOrder' of the input returns the exact string @\"\\0\"@.
-- For example, you can use this to create a pipe which tracks the title of the
-- window currently focused on a given screen (even if the screen is not
-- current) by doing something like this:
-- > ppFocus s = whenCurrentOn s def
-- > { ppOrder = \(_:_:title:_) -> [title]
-- > , ppOutput = appendFile ("focus" ++ show s) . (++ "\n")
-- > }
-- Sequence a few of these pretty-printers to get a log hook that keeps each
-- screen's title up-to-date.
whenCurrentOn :: ScreenId -> PP -> PP
whenCurrentOn s pp = pp
{ ppSort = do
sort <- ppSort pp
pure $ \xs -> case xs of
x:_ | unmarshallS (W.tag x) == s -> sort xs
_ -> []
, ppOrder = \case ("":_) -> ["\0"] -- we got passed no workspaces; this is the signal from ppSort that this is a boring case
list -> ppOrder pp list
, ppOutput = \case "\0" -> pure () -- we got passed the signal from ppOrder that this is a boring case
output -> ppOutput pp output
-- | If @vSort@ is a function that sorts 'WindowSpace's with virtual names, then @marshallSort s vSort@ is a function which sorts 'WindowSpace's with physical names in an analogous way -- but keeps only the spaces on screen @s@.
marshallSort :: ScreenId -> ([WindowSpace] -> [WindowSpace]) -> ([WindowSpace] -> [WindowSpace])
marshallSort s vSort = pScreens . vSort . vScreens where
isOnScreen ws = unmarshallS (W.tag ws) == s
vScreens = map unmarshallWindowSpace . filter isOnScreen
pScreens = map (marshallWindowSpace s)
-- | Convert the tag of the 'WindowSpace' from a 'VirtualWorkspace' to a 'PhysicalWorkspace'.
marshallWindowSpace :: ScreenId -> WindowSpace -> WindowSpace
-- | Convert the tag of the 'WindowSpace' from a 'PhysicalWorkspace' to a 'VirtualWorkspace'.
unmarshallWindowSpace :: WindowSpace -> WindowSpace
marshallWindowSpace s ws = ws { W.tag = marshall s (W.tag ws) }
unmarshallWindowSpace ws = ws { W.tag = unmarshallW (W.tag ws) }
-- | Safe version of (!!)
(!!?) :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a
(!!?) list n
| n < length list = Just $ list !! n
| otherwise = Nothing
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ executable my-xmonad
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -29,4 +30,7 @@ executable my-xmonad
containers >=,
utf8-string >=,
text >=,
process >= 0.0.10
process >= 0.0.10,
-- todo remove this again
X11>=1.6.1 && < 1.10
@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ in
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ self: super: {
carp-new = super.callPackage ./carp-new.nix {};
liquidctl = super.callPackage ../packages/liquidctl.nix { };
mmutils = super.callPackage ../packages/mmutils.nix { };
git-fuzzy = super.callPackage ../packages/git-fuzzy.nix { };
nixGL = import sources.nixGL { };
scr = super.callPackage ../packages/scr.nix { };
my-st = super.callPackage ../packages/st/st-tanish2002 { };
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
{ fetchFromGitHub, stdenvNoCC, lib, makeWrapper, gitAndTools, bat, extraPackages ? [] }:
binPath = lib.makeBinPath ([gitAndTools.hub gitAndTools.delta bat] ++ extraPackages);
stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "git-fuzzy";
version = "1.0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "bigH";
repo = "git-fuzzy";
rev = "ecdcd157e537d98586435a40bed83d40c65bd959";
sha256 = "1f2iq8bk0fpld99m0siajadn3lr5fwvgwpniwfdh73picxa7hwhk";
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
installPhase = ''
install -m755 -D ./bin/git-fuzzy $out/bin/git-fuzzy
install -d "$out/lib"
cp -r lib "$out/lib/git-fuzzy"
postFixup = ''
sed -i 's%lib_dir="$script_dir/../lib"%lib_dir='"$out"'/lib/git-fuzzy%' $out/bin/git-fuzzy
wrapProgram "$out/bin/git-fuzzy" --prefix PATH : ${binPath}
meta = {
description = "FZF-based github cli interface";
homepage = "https://github.com/bigH/git-fuzzy";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ elkowar ];
license = lib.licenses.mit;
platforms = lib.platforms.all;
#"build() {
#cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}"
#sed -i 's%lib_dir="$script_dir/../lib"%lib_dir=/usr/lib/git-fuzzy%' bin/git-fuzzy
#sed -i 's%gifs/%https://github.com/bigH/git-fuzzy/raw/master/gifs/%' README.md
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
file="$(echo ~/wpms/* | xargs realpath | rofi -dmenu)"
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
echo "$(date +%s) $(rofi -dmenu)" >> "$file"
notify-send "No valid file given :/"
Add table
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