more stuff

This commit is contained in:
elkowar 2021-04-29 21:08:05 +02:00
parent fa294ce3a7
commit 8063a673f2
8 changed files with 69 additions and 31 deletions

View file

@ -42,7 +42,8 @@
"A" (cmd "Lspsaga show_line_diagnostics" "Line diagnostics") "A" (cmd "Lspsaga show_line_diagnostics" "Line diagnostics")
"E" (cmd "Telescope lsp_workspace_diagnostics" "List diagnostics") "E" (cmd "Telescope lsp_workspace_diagnostics" "List diagnostics")
"r" (cmd "Telescope lsp_references" "Show references") "r" (cmd "Telescope lsp_references" "Show references")
"e" (le "vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()" "Jump to the next error") "e" (cmd "LspTroubleOpen" "Show diagnostics")
;"e" (le "vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()" "Jump to the next error")
"g" (le "vim.lsp.buf.definition()" "Go to definition") "g" (le "vim.lsp.buf.definition()" "Go to definition")
"i" (le "vim.lsp.buf.implementation()" "Show implementation") "i" (le "vim.lsp.buf.implementation()" "Show implementation")
"f" (le "vim.lsp.buf.formatting()" "format file")} "f" (le "vim.lsp.buf.formatting()" "format file")}
@ -67,10 +68,11 @@
{ :prefix "<leader>"}) { :prefix "<leader>"})
(wk.register (wk.register
{ :name "+folds" {
"<tab>" "which_key_ignore"
"z" { :name "+folds"
"c" (cmd "foldclose" "close fold") "c" (cmd "foldclose" "close fold")
"o" (cmd "foldopen" "open fold")} "o" (cmd "foldopen" "open fold")}})
{ :prefix "z"})
(set nvim.o.timeoutlen 200) (set nvim.o.timeoutlen 200)

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
:modified_selected selected :modified_selected selected
:error visible :error visible
:error_selected selected :error_selected selected
:error_visible visible :error_visible selected
:warning visible :warning visible
:warning_selected selected :warning_selected selected
:warning_visible visible :warning_visible visible

View file

@ -8,9 +8,13 @@
utils utils utils utils
compe compe compe compe
lsp_signature lsp_signature lsp_signature lsp_signature
symbols-outline symbols-outline} symbols-outline symbols-outline
trouble trouble}
require-macros [macros]}) require-macros [macros]})
(local colors (utils.colors))
(fn on_attach [client bufnr] (fn on_attach [client bufnr]
(lsp_signature.on_attach) (lsp_signature.on_attach)
(if client.resolved_capabilities.document_highlight (if client.resolved_capabilities.document_highlight
@ -97,11 +101,32 @@
:scroll_down "<C-d>"}}) :scroll_down "<C-d>"}})
(utils.highlight "LspSagaCodeActionTitle" {:fg "#8ec07c"}) (utils.highlight "LspSagaCodeActionTitle" {:fg colors.bright_aqua})
(utils.highlight "LspSagaBorderTitle" {:fg "#8ec07c"}) (utils.highlight "LspSagaBorderTitle" {:fg colors.bright_aqua})
(utils.highlight "LspSagaCodeActionContent" {:fg "#8ec07c"}) (utils.highlight "LspSagaCodeActionContent" {:fg colors.bright_aqua})
(utils.highlight "LspSagaFinderSelection" {:fg "#8ec07c"}) (utils.highlight "LspSagaFinderSelection" {:fg colors.bright_aqua})
(utils.highlight "LspSagaDiagnosticHeader" {:fg "#8ec07c"}) (utils.highlight "LspSagaDiagnosticHeader" {:fg colors.bright_aqua})
(utils.highlight "TargetWord" {:fg "#8ec07c"}) (utils.highlight "TargetWord" {:fg colors.bright_aqua})
(utils.highlight "LspTroubleFoldIcon" {:bg "NONE" :fg colors.bright_orange})
(utils.highlight "LspTroubleCount" {:bg "NONE" :fg colors.bright_green})
(utils.highlight "LspTroubleText" {:bg "NONE" :fg colors.light0})
(utils.highlight "LspTroubleSignError" {:bg "NONE" :fg colors.bright_red})
(utils.highlight "LspTroubleSignWarning" {:bg "NONE" :fg colors.bright_yellow})
(utils.highlight "LspTroubleSignInformation" {:bg "NONE" :fg colors.bright_aqua})
(utils.highlight "LspTroubleSignHint" {:bg "NONE" :fg colors.bright_blue})
(set vim.o.signcolumn "yes") (set vim.o.signcolumn "yes")
{:icons false
:auto_preview true
:auto_close true
:auto_open false})

View file

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ end
local function rebind(s, desc) local function rebind(s, desc)
return {s, desc} return {s, desc}
end end
wk.register({[":"] = cmd("Telescope commands", "Search command with fzf"), b = {b = cmd("Buffers", "select open buffer"), c = cmd("bdelete!", "close open buffer"), name = "+buffers", w = cmd("bwipeout!", "wipeout open buffer")}, c = {name = "+comment out"}, e = {name = "+emmet"}, f = {j = rebind("zj", "jump to next fold"), k = rebind("zk", "jump to previous fold"), n = cmd("foldclose", "close fold"), name = "+folds", o = cmd("foldopen", "open fold")}, h = cmd("bprevious", "previous buffer"), l = cmd("bnext", "next buffer"), m = {A = cmd("Lspsaga show_line_diagnostics", "Line diagnostics"), E = cmd("Telescope lsp_workspace_diagnostics", "List diagnostics"), S = cmd("Telescope lsp_document_symbols", "Symbols in document"), a = cmd("Lspsaga show_cursor_diagnostics", "Cursor diagnostics"), b = cmd("Lspsaga lsp_finder", "Find stuff"), d = cmd("Lspsaga hover_doc", "Show documentation"), e = le("vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()", "Jump to the next error"), f = le("vim.lsp.buf.formatting()", "format file"), g = le("vim.lsp.buf.definition()", "Go to definition"), i = le("vim.lsp.buf.implementation()", "Show implementation"), n = cmd("Lspsaga rename", "Rename"), name = "+Code actions", o = cmd("SymbolsOutline", "Outline"), r = cmd("Telescope lsp_references", "Show references"), s = cmd("Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols", "Symbols in workspace"), t = cmd("Lspsaga signature_help", "Show signature help"), v = cmd("Lspsaga code_action", "Apply codeaction"), x = cmd("Lspsaga preview_definition", "Preview definition")}, o = cmd("Telescope live_grep", "Grep files"), p = cmd("Telescope file_browser", "Open file-browser"), v = {g = cmd("Goyo | set linebreak", "toggle focus mode"), i = cmd("IndentGuidesToggle", "toggle indent guides"), m = cmd("set nonumber! norelativenumber", "toggle numbers"), n = cmd("set relativenumber!", "toggle relative numbers"), name = "+view-and-layout"}}, {prefix = "<leader>"}) wk.register({[":"] = cmd("Telescope commands", "Search command with fzf"), b = {b = cmd("Buffers", "select open buffer"), c = cmd("bdelete!", "close open buffer"), name = "+buffers", w = cmd("bwipeout!", "wipeout open buffer")}, c = {name = "+comment out"}, e = {name = "+emmet"}, f = {j = rebind("zj", "jump to next fold"), k = rebind("zk", "jump to previous fold"), n = cmd("foldclose", "close fold"), name = "+folds", o = cmd("foldopen", "open fold")}, h = cmd("bprevious", "previous buffer"), l = cmd("bnext", "next buffer"), m = {A = cmd("Lspsaga show_line_diagnostics", "Line diagnostics"), E = cmd("Telescope lsp_workspace_diagnostics", "List diagnostics"), S = cmd("Telescope lsp_document_symbols", "Symbols in document"), a = cmd("Lspsaga show_cursor_diagnostics", "Cursor diagnostics"), b = cmd("Lspsaga lsp_finder", "Find stuff"), d = cmd("Lspsaga hover_doc", "Show documentation"), e = cmd("LspTroubleOpen", "Show diagnostics"), f = le("vim.lsp.buf.formatting()", "format file"), g = le("vim.lsp.buf.definition()", "Go to definition"), i = le("vim.lsp.buf.implementation()", "Show implementation"), n = cmd("Lspsaga rename", "Rename"), name = "+Code actions", o = cmd("SymbolsOutline", "Outline"), r = cmd("Telescope lsp_references", "Show references"), s = cmd("Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols", "Symbols in workspace"), t = cmd("Lspsaga signature_help", "Show signature help"), v = cmd("Lspsaga code_action", "Apply codeaction"), x = cmd("Lspsaga preview_definition", "Preview definition")}, o = cmd("Telescope live_grep", "Grep files"), p = cmd("Telescope file_browser", "Open file-browser"), v = {g = cmd("Goyo | set linebreak", "toggle focus mode"), i = cmd("IndentGuidesToggle", "toggle indent guides"), m = cmd("set nonumber! norelativenumber", "toggle numbers"), n = cmd("set relativenumber!", "toggle relative numbers"), name = "+view-and-layout"}}, {prefix = "<leader>"})
wk.register({c = cmd("foldclose", "close fold"), name = "+folds", o = cmd("foldopen", "open fold")}, {prefix = "z"}) wk.register({["<tab>"] = "which_key_ignore", z = {c = cmd("foldclose", "close fold"), name = "+folds", o = cmd("foldopen", "open fold")}})
nvim.o.timeoutlen = 200 nvim.o.timeoutlen = 200
return nil return nil

View file

@ -45,6 +45,6 @@ do
local function _2_(cnt, lvl, diagnostics_dict) local function _2_(cnt, lvl, diagnostics_dict)
return (" (" .. cnt .. ")") return (" (" .. cnt .. ")")
end end
bufferline.setup({highlights = {background = visible, buffer_selected = selected, buffer_visible = visible, error = visible, error_selected = selected, error_visible = visible, fill = {guibg = colors.dark0, guifg = colors.light0}, indicator_selected = {guibg = colors.neutral_aqua, guifg = colors.neutral_aqua}, modified = visible, modified_selected = selected, modified_visible = visible, pick_selected = {guibg = colors.bright_red, guifg = colors.bright_red}, separator = visible, tab = {guibg = colors.bright_yellow, guifg = colors.bright_yellow}, tab_selected = {guibg = colors.bright_green, guifg = colors.bright_green}, warning = visible, warning_selected = selected, warning_visible = visible}, options = {diagnostics = "nvim_lsp", diagnostics_indicator = _2_, enforce_regular_tabs = false, show_buffer_close_icons = false, show_close_icon = false, show_tab_indicators = false, tab_size = 10}}) bufferline.setup({highlights = {background = visible, buffer_selected = selected, buffer_visible = visible, error = visible, error_selected = selected, error_visible = selected, fill = {guibg = colors.bright_red, guifg = colors.light0}, indicator_selected = {guibg = colors.neutral_aqua, guifg = colors.neutral_aqua}, modified = visible, modified_selected = selected, modified_visible = visible, pick_selected = {guibg = colors.bright_red, guifg = colors.bright_red}, separator = visible, tab = {guibg = colors.bright_yellow, guifg = colors.bright_yellow}, tab_selected = {guibg = colors.bright_green, guifg = colors.bright_green}, warning = visible, warning_selected = selected, warning_visible = visible}, options = {diagnostics = "nvim_lsp", diagnostics_indicator = _2_, enforce_regular_tabs = false, show_buffer_close_icons = false, show_close_icon = false, show_tab_indicators = false, tab_size = 10}})
end end
return utils.highlight("BufferLineInfoSelected", {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0, gui = "NONE"}) return utils.highlight("BufferLineInfoSelected", {bg = colors.neutral_aqua, fg = colors.dark0, gui = "NONE"})

View file

@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ end
local function _1_(...) local function _1_(...)
local ok_3f_0_, val_0_ = nil, nil local ok_3f_0_, val_0_ = nil, nil
local function _1_() local function _1_()
return {require("aniseed.core"), require("compe"), require("aniseed.fennel"), require("lspconfig"), require("lspconfig.configs"), require("lsp_signature"), require("aniseed.nvim"), require("lspsaga"), require("symbols-outline"), require("utils")} return {require("aniseed.core"), require("compe"), require("aniseed.fennel"), require("lspconfig"), require("lspconfig.configs"), require("lsp_signature"), require("aniseed.nvim"), require("lspsaga"), require("symbols-outline"), require("trouble"), require("utils")}
end end
ok_3f_0_, val_0_ = pcall(_1_) ok_3f_0_, val_0_ = pcall(_1_)
if ok_3f_0_ then if ok_3f_0_ then
_0_0["aniseed/local-fns"] = {["require-macros"] = {macros = true}, require = {["lsp-configs"] = "lspconfig.configs", ["symbols-outline"] = "symbols-outline", a = "aniseed.core", compe = "compe", fennel = "aniseed.fennel", lsp = "lspconfig", lsp_signature = "lsp_signature", nvim = "aniseed.nvim", saga = "lspsaga", utils = "utils"}} _0_0["aniseed/local-fns"] = {["require-macros"] = {macros = true}, require = {["lsp-configs"] = "lspconfig.configs", ["symbols-outline"] = "symbols-outline", a = "aniseed.core", compe = "compe", fennel = "aniseed.fennel", lsp = "lspconfig", lsp_signature = "lsp_signature", nvim = "aniseed.nvim", saga = "lspsaga", trouble = "trouble", utils = "utils"}}
return val_0_ return val_0_
else else
return print(val_0_) return print(val_0_)
@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ local function _1_(...)
end end
local _local_0_ = _1_(...) local _local_0_ = _1_(...)
local a = _local_0_[1] local a = _local_0_[1]
local utils = _local_0_[10] local trouble = _local_0_[10]
local utils = _local_0_[11]
local compe = _local_0_[2] local compe = _local_0_[2]
local fennel = _local_0_[3] local fennel = _local_0_[3]
local lsp = _local_0_[4] local lsp = _local_0_[4]
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ local symbols_outline = _local_0_[9]
local _2amodule_2a = _0_0 local _2amodule_2a = _0_0
local _2amodule_name_2a = "plugins.lsp" local _2amodule_name_2a = "plugins.lsp"
do local _ = ({nil, _0_0, {{nil}, nil, nil, nil}})[2] end do local _ = ({nil, _0_0, {{nil}, nil, nil, nil}})[2] end
local colors = utils.colors()
local function on_attach(client, bufnr) local function on_attach(client, bufnr)
lsp_signature.on_attach() lsp_signature.on_attach()
if client.resolved_capabilities.document_highlight then if client.resolved_capabilities.document_highlight then
@ -84,11 +86,18 @@ init_lsp("cssls")
symbols_outline.setup({highlight_hovered_item = true, show_guides = true}) symbols_outline.setup({highlight_hovered_item = true, show_guides = true})
compe.setup({autocomplete = false, debug = false, documentation = true, enabled = true, incomplete_delay = 400, max_abbr_width = 100, max_kind_width = 100, max_menu_width = 100, min_length = 1, preselect = "enable", source = {buffer = true, calc = true, nvim_lsp = true, nvim_lua = true, path = true, vsnip = false}, source_timeout = 200, throttle_time = 80}) compe.setup({autocomplete = false, debug = false, documentation = true, enabled = true, incomplete_delay = 400, max_abbr_width = 100, max_kind_width = 100, max_menu_width = 100, min_length = 1, preselect = "enable", source = {buffer = true, calc = true, nvim_lsp = true, nvim_lua = true, path = true, vsnip = false}, source_timeout = 200, throttle_time = 80})
saga.init_lsp_saga({border_style = 1, code_action_keys = {exec = "<CR>", quit = "<esc>"}, finder_action_keys = {open = "<CR>", quit = "<esc>", scroll_down = "<C-d>", scroll_up = "<C-u>", split = "b", vsplit = "v"}, rename_action_keys = {exec = "<CR>", quit = "<esc>"}}) saga.init_lsp_saga({border_style = 1, code_action_keys = {exec = "<CR>", quit = "<esc>"}, finder_action_keys = {open = "<CR>", quit = "<esc>", scroll_down = "<C-d>", scroll_up = "<C-u>", split = "b", vsplit = "v"}, rename_action_keys = {exec = "<CR>", quit = "<esc>"}})
utils.highlight("LspSagaCodeActionTitle", {fg = "#8ec07c"}) utils.highlight("LspSagaCodeActionTitle", {fg = colors.bright_aqua})
utils.highlight("LspSagaBorderTitle", {fg = "#8ec07c"}) utils.highlight("LspSagaBorderTitle", {fg = colors.bright_aqua})
utils.highlight("LspSagaCodeActionContent", {fg = "#8ec07c"}) utils.highlight("LspSagaCodeActionContent", {fg = colors.bright_aqua})
utils.highlight("LspSagaFinderSelection", {fg = "#8ec07c"}) utils.highlight("LspSagaFinderSelection", {fg = colors.bright_aqua})
utils.highlight("LspSagaDiagnosticHeader", {fg = "#8ec07c"}) utils.highlight("LspSagaDiagnosticHeader", {fg = colors.bright_aqua})
utils.highlight("TargetWord", {fg = "#8ec07c"}) utils.highlight("TargetWord", {fg = colors.bright_aqua})
utils.highlight("LspTroubleFoldIcon", {bg = "NONE", fg = colors.bright_orange})
utils.highlight("LspTroubleCount", {bg = "NONE", fg = colors.bright_green})
utils.highlight("LspTroubleText", {bg = "NONE", fg = colors.light0})
utils.highlight("LspTroubleSignError", {bg = "NONE", fg = colors.bright_red})
utils.highlight("LspTroubleSignWarning", {bg = "NONE", fg = colors.bright_yellow})
utils.highlight("LspTroubleSignInformation", {bg = "NONE", fg = colors.bright_aqua})
utils.highlight("LspTroubleSignHint", {bg = "NONE", fg = colors.bright_blue})
vim.o.signcolumn = "yes" vim.o.signcolumn = "yes"
return nil return trouble.setup({auto_close = true, auto_open = false, auto_preview = true, icons = false})

View file

@ -109,6 +109,10 @@ _G.packer_plugins = {
loaded = true, loaded = true,
path = "/home/leon/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/haskell-vim" path = "/home/leon/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/haskell-vim"
}, },
["lsp-trouble.nvim"] = {
loaded = true,
path = "/home/leon/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/lsp-trouble.nvim"
["lsp_signature.nvim"] = { ["lsp_signature.nvim"] = {
loaded = true, loaded = true,
path = "/home/leon/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/lsp_signature.nvim" path = "/home/leon/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/lsp_signature.nvim"
@ -302,10 +306,6 @@ _G.packer_plugins = {
loaded = true, loaded = true,
path = "/home/leon/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-visual-multi" path = "/home/leon/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-visual-multi"
}, },
["vim-which-key"] = {
loaded = true,
path = "/home/leon/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-which-key"
["webapi-vim"] = { ["webapi-vim"] = {
loaded = true, loaded = true,
path = "/home/leon/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/webapi-vim" path = "/home/leon/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/webapi-vim"

View file

@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ require("packer").startup(function(use)
use "folke/which-key.nvim" use "folke/which-key.nvim"
use "folke/lsp-trouble.nvim"
-- better quickfix window -- better quickfix window
use "kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf" use "kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf"