mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 19:52:14 +00:00
vim.opt and some other stuff
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 38 additions and 49 deletions
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
:neovim/nvim-lspconfig {}
;:hrsh7th/nvim-compe {:mod "dots.plugins.compe"}
:/home/leon/coding/prs/nvim-compe {:event [:BufEnter]
:/home/leon/coding/prs/nvim-compe {:event [:InsertEnter]
:mod "dots.plugins.compe"}
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
; --------------------------------- >>>>>
(se signcolumn "yes")
(set vim.opt.signcolumn "yes")
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
(a.println (fennel#.traceback $1)))))
(when (vim.fn.has "termguicolors")
(se termguicolors true))
(set vim.opt.termguicolors true))
(make-errors-epic (require "dots.plugins"))
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
(make-errors-epic (require "dots.keybinds"))
;(se runtimepath (.. vim.o.runtimepath ",/home/leon/coding/projects/kbd-vim"))
;(set vim.opt.runtimepath (.. vim.o.runtimepath ",/home/leon/coding/projects/kbd-vim"))
;(make-errors-epic (require "smart-compe-conjure"))
@ -32,37 +32,37 @@
(vim.cmd "filetype plugin indent on")
(vim.cmd "syntax on")
(se foldmethod "marker")
(se showmode false)
(se undodir (.. vim.env.HOME "/.vim/undo-dir"))
(se undofile true)
(se shortmess (.. vim.o.shortmess "c")) ; Don't give completion messages like 'match 1 of 2' or 'The only match'
(se hidden true)
(se encoding "utf-8")
(se number false)
(se relativenumber false)
(se compatible false)
(se cursorline true)
(se incsearch true)
(se hlsearch true)
(se inccommand "nosplit")
(se signcolumn "yes")
(se shiftwidth 2)
(se tabstop 2)
(se backspace "indent,eol,start")
(se autoindent true)
(se smartindent true)
(se expandtab true)
(se wrap false)
(se completeopt "menuone,noselect")
(se laststatus 2)
(se splitbelow true)
(se splitright true)
(se mouse "a")
(se shell "bash")
(se background "dark")
(se swapfile false)
(se undolevels 10000)
(set vim.opt.foldmethod "marker")
(set vim.opt.showmode false)
(set vim.opt.undodir (.. vim.env.HOME "/.vim/undo-dir"))
(set vim.opt.undofile true)
(set vim.opt.shortmess (.. vim.o.shortmess "c")) ; Don't give completion messages like 'match 1 of 2' or 'The only match'
(set vim.opt.hidden true)
(set vim.opt.encoding "utf-8")
(set vim.opt.number false)
(set vim.opt.relativenumber false)
(set vim.opt.compatible false)
(set vim.opt.cursorline true)
(set vim.opt.incsearch true)
(set vim.opt.hlsearch true)
(set vim.opt.inccommand "nosplit")
(set vim.opt.signcolumn "yes")
(set vim.opt.shiftwidth 2)
(set vim.opt.tabstop 2)
(set vim.opt.backspace "indent,eol,start")
(set vim.opt.autoindent true)
(set vim.opt.smartindent true)
(set vim.opt.expandtab true)
(set vim.opt.wrap false)
(set vim.opt.completeopt "menuone,noselect")
(set vim.opt.laststatus 2)
(set vim.opt.splitbelow true)
(set vim.opt.splitright true)
(set vim.opt.mouse "a")
(set vim.opt.shell "bash")
(set vim.opt.background "dark")
(set vim.opt.swapfile false)
(set vim.opt.undolevels 10000)
(vim-let &t_ut "")
@ -83,18 +83,6 @@
(fn [,use-sym]
(icollect [_# v# (ipairs use-statements)]
`(,use-sym ,v#)))))))))
`(,use-sym ,v#)))))))))}
(fn [name value]
(let [str-name (tostring name)
(info-ok scope) (pcall #(. (vim.api.nvim_get_option_info str-name) :scope))]
(if info-ok
(match scope
:global `(tset vim.o ,str-name ,value)
:win `(tset vim.wo ,str-name ,value)
:buf `(do (tset vim.bo ,str-name ,value)
(tset vim.o ,str-name ,value))
_ (print (.. "option " str-name " has unhandled scope " scope)))
(print (.. "Unknown vim-option: " str-name)))))}
@ -265,7 +265,8 @@ myStartupHook = do
spawnOnce "xfce4-clipman &"
--spawnOnce "redshift -P -O 5000 &"
spawn "xset r rate 300 50 &" -- make key repeat quicker
spawn "setxkbmap de nodeadkeys"
--spawn "setxkbmap de nodeadkeys"
spawn "setxkbmap us -option compose:ralt"
spawn "arbtt-capture"
--spawn "/home/leon/.screenlayout/dualscreen-stacked.sh"
spawn "/home/leon/.screenlayout/tripplescreen-fixed.sh"
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