mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 04:12:14 +00:00
add bsp layout
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 105 additions and 68 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"optOut": false,
"lastUpdateCheck": 1585038828775
"lastUpdateCheck": 1585128053440
Binary file not shown.
@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
-- Imports -------------------------------------------------------- {{{
module Config (main) where
import Data.List (isSuffixOf, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import qualified System.IO as SysIO
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (isSuffixOf, isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import System.Exit (exitWith, ExitCode(ExitSuccess))
import qualified Data.Monoid
import qualified DBus as D
import qualified DBus.Client as D
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ import XMonad.Actions.CopyWindow
import XMonad.Actions.Submap
import XMonad.Config.Desktop
import XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
import XMonad.Hooks.FadeInactive
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
@ -31,16 +33,18 @@ import XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators ((|||))
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders -- for fullscreen without borders
import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile -- for resizeable tall layout
import XMonad.Layout.MouseResizableTile
import XMonad.Layout.Spacing
import XMonad.Layout.Spacing (spacingRaw, Border(..), toggleWindowSpacingEnabled)
import XMonad.Layout.Spiral
import XMonad.Layout.Renamed (renamed, Rename(Replace))
import XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns -- for three column layout
import XMonad.Layout.ToggleLayouts
import XMonad.Layout.ZoomRow
import XMonad.Layout.BorderResize
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig (additionalKeysP, removeKeysP)
import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
import XMonad.Util.Run
import XMonad.Util.SpawnOnce (spawnOnce)
import qualified XMonad.Actions.Navigation2D as Nav2d
-- }}}
@ -53,6 +57,10 @@ myBrowser = "google-chrome-stable"
--yBar = "xmobar"
--myXmobarPP= xmobarPP { ppCurrent = xmobarColor "#429942" "" . wrap "<" ">" }
{-| adds the scripts-directory path to the filename of a script |-}
scriptFile :: String -> String
scriptFile script = "/home/leon/scripts/" ++ script
scratchpads :: [NamedScratchpad]
scratchpads =
[ NS "terminal" launchTerminal (className =? "scratchpad_term") (customFloating $ W.RationalRect 0 0.7 1 0.3)
@ -62,14 +70,11 @@ scratchpads =
, NS "whatsapp" launchWhatsapp (("WhatsApp" `isSuffixOf`) <$> title) defaultFloating
, NS "slack" "slack" (("Slack | " `isPrefixOf`) <$> title) defaultFloating
launchTerminal = myTerminal ++ " --class scratchpad_term"
launchGHCI = myTerminal ++ " -e \"stack exec -- ghci\" --class scratchpad_ghci"
launchGHCI = myTerminal ++ " -e \"stack exec -- ghci\" --class scratchpad_ghci"
launchWhatsapp = "gtk-launch chrome-hnpfjngllnobngcgfapefoaidbinmjnm-Default.desktop"
{-| adds the scripts-directory path to the filename of a script |-}
scriptFile :: String -> String
scriptFile script = "/home/leon/scripts/" ++ script
-- Colors ------ {{{
fg = "#ebdbb2"
@ -96,27 +101,29 @@ aqua = "#8ec07c"
--layoutHints .
myLayout = avoidStruts . smartBorders . toggleLayouts Full $ layouts
layouts = ((rename "tall" $ withGaps (gap * 2) $ mouseResizableTile {draggerType = dragger}) -- ResizableTall 1 (3/100) (1/2) []
||| (rename "horizon" $ withGaps (gap * 2) $ mouseResizableTileMirrored {draggerType = dragger}) -- Mirror $ ResizableTall 1 (3/100) (3/4) []
||| (rename "row" $ withGaps gap $ spacing gap zoomRow)
||| (rename "threeCol" $ withGaps gap $ spacing gap $ ThreeColMid 1 (3/100) (1/2))
||| (rename "spiral" $ withGaps gap $ spacing gap $ spiral (9/21)))
-- ||| (rename "spiral" $ spiral (6/7)))
layouts =((rename "tall" $ onlyGaps $ mouseResizableTile {draggerType = dragger}) -- ResizableTall 1 (3/100) (1/2) []
||| (rename "horizon" $ onlyGaps $ mouseResizableTileMirrored {draggerType = dragger}) -- Mirror $ ResizableTall 1 (3/100) (3/4) []
||| (rename "row" $ spacingAndGaps $ zoomRow)
||| (rename "bsp" $ spacingAndGaps $ borderResize $ emptyBSP))
-- ||| (rename "threeCol" $ spacingAndGaps $ ThreeColMid 1 (3/100) (1/2))
-- ||| (rename "spiral" $ spacingAndGaps $ spiral (9/21))
-- ||| (rename "spiral" $ spiral (6/7)))
-- Grid
withGaps width = gaps [ (dir, width) | dir <- [L, R, D, U] ]
rename name = renamed [Replace name]
rename n = renamed [Replace n]
gap = 7
dragger = FixedDragger (fromIntegral gap * 2) (fromIntegral gap * 2)
gap = 7
spacingBorder = let x = fromIntegral gap in Border x x x x
spacingAndGaps = onlyGaps . spacingRaw True spacingBorder False spacingBorder True
onlyGaps = gaps [ (dir, (gap*2)) | dir <- [L, R, D, U] ] -- gaps are included in mouseResizableTile
dragger = FixedDragger (fromIntegral gap*2) (fromIntegral gap * 2)
-- }}}
-- Loghook -------------------------------------- {{{
myLogHook :: X ()
myLogHook = do
fadeInactiveLogHook 0.95 -- opacity of unfocused windows
myLogHook = fadeInactiveLogHook 0.95 -- opacity of unfocused windows
-- }}}
@ -137,28 +144,42 @@ myStartupHook = do
removedKeys = ["M-S-c", "M-S-q"]
myKeys :: [(String, X ())]
myKeys = [ ("M-C-k", sendMessage MirrorExpand >> sendMessage ShrinkSlave )
, ("M-C-j", sendMessage MirrorShrink >> sendMessage ExpandSlave )
, ("M-+", sendMessage zoomIn)
, ("M--", sendMessage zoomOut)
, ("M-<Backspace>", sendMessage zoomReset)
myKeys = [ ("M-C-k", sendMessage MirrorExpand >> sendMessage ShrinkSlave )
, ("M-C-j", sendMessage MirrorShrink >> sendMessage ExpandSlave )
, ("M-+", sendMessage zoomIn)
, ("M--", sendMessage zoomOut)
, ("M-#", sendMessage zoomReset)
, ("M-f", toggleFullscreen)
, ("M-S-C-c", kill1)
, ("M-S-C-a", windows copyToAll) -- windows: Modify the current window list with a pure function, and refresh
, ("M-C-c", killAllOtherCopies)
, ("M-S-C-q", io $ exitWith ExitSuccess)
, ("M-f", toggleFullscreen)
, ("M-S-C-c", kill1)
, ("M-S-C-a", windows copyToAll) -- windows: Modify the current window list with a pure function, and refresh
, ("M-C-c", killAllOtherCopies)
, ("M-S-C-q", io $ exitSuccess)
-- programs
, ("M-p", spawn myLauncher)
, ("M-S-p", spawn "rofi -combi-modi drun,window,ssh -show combi -theme /home/leon/scripts/rofi-scripts/launcher_grid_full_style.rasi")
, ("M-S-e", spawn "rofi -show emoji -modi emoji -theme /home/leon/scripts/rofi-scripts/launcher_grid_full_style.rasi")
, ("M-b", spawn myBrowser)
, ("M-s", spawn $ scriptFile "rofi-search.sh")
, ("M-S-s", spawn $ "cat " ++ scriptFile "bookmarks" ++ " | rofi -p open -dmenu | bash")
, ("M-n", scratchpadSubmap)
, ("M-m", mediaSubmap)
, ("M-e", promptExecute specialCommands)
, ("M-p", spawn myLauncher)
, ("M-S-p", spawn "rofi -combi-modi drun,window,ssh -show combi -theme /home/leon/scripts/rofi-scripts/launcher_grid_full_style.rasi")
, ("M-S-e", spawn "rofi -show emoji -modi emoji -theme /home/leon/scripts/rofi-scripts/launcher_grid_full_style.rasi")
, ("M-b", spawn myBrowser)
, ("M-s", spawn $ scriptFile "rofi-search.sh")
, ("M-S-s", spawn $ "cat " ++ scriptFile "bookmarks" ++ " | rofi -p open -dmenu | bash")
, ("M-n", scratchpadSubmap)
, ("M-m", mediaSubmap)
, ("M-e", promptExecute specialCommands)
-- BSP
, ("M-M1-h", sendMessage $ ExpandTowards L)
, ("M-M1-l", sendMessage $ ExpandTowards R)
, ("M-M1-k", sendMessage $ ExpandTowards U)
, ("M-M1-j", sendMessage $ ExpandTowards D)
, ("M-<Backspace>", sendMessage $ Swap)
, ("M-M1-<Backspace>", sendMessage $ Rotate)
, ("M-S-M1-h", Nav2d.windowGo L False)
, ("M-S-M1-l", Nav2d.windowGo R False)
, ("M-S-M1-k", Nav2d.windowGo U False)
, ("M-S-M1-j", Nav2d.windowGo D False)
] ++ copyToWorkspaceMappings
@ -184,38 +205,34 @@ myKeys = [ ("M-C-k", sendMessage MirrorExpand >> sendMessage ShrinkSlave
mediaSubmap :: X ()
mediaSubmap = describedSubmap "Media"
[ ((myModMask, xK_m), "<M-m> play/pause", spawn "playerctl play-pause")
, ((myModMask, xK_l), "<M-l> next", spawn "playerctl next")
, ((myModMask, xK_l), "<M-h> previous", spawn "playerctl previous")
[ ((myModMask, xK_m), "<M-m> play/pause", spawn "playerctl play-pause")
, ((myModMask, xK_l), "<M-l> next", spawn "playerctl next")
, ((myModMask, xK_l), "<M-h> previous", spawn "playerctl previous")
, ((myModMask, xK_k), "<M-k> increase volume", spawn "amixer sset Master 5%+")
, ((myModMask, xK_j), "<M-j> decrease volume", spawn "amixer sset Master 5%-")
specialCommands :: [(String, X ())]
specialCommands =
[ ("toggleSpacing", toggleWindowSpacingEnabled)
[ ("screenshot", spawn $ scriptFile "screenshot.sh")
, ("toggleSpacing", toggleWindowSpacingEnabled)
, ("toggleGaps", sendMessage ToggleGaps)
, ("screenshot", spawn $ scriptFile "screenshot.sh")
describedSubmap :: String -> [((KeyMask, KeySym), String, X ())] -> X ()
describedSubmap title mappings = showDzen hintText mySubMap
describedSubmap submapTitle mappings = promptDzenWhileRunning submapTitle descriptions mySubmap
mySubMap = submap $ M.fromList $ map (\(k, _, f) -> (k, f)) mappings
mySubmap = submap $ M.fromList $ map (\(k, _, f) -> (k, f)) mappings
descriptions = map (\(_,x,_) -> x) mappings
hintText = unlines (title : descriptions)
showDzen message action = do
let lineCount = show $ length $ lines message
font = "-*-iosevka-medium-r-s*--16-87-*-*-*-*-iso10???-1"
handle <- spawnPipe $ "sleep 1 && dzen2 -e onstart=uncollapse -l " ++ lineCount ++ " -fn '" ++ font ++ "'"
io $ SysIO.hPutStrLn handle message
_ <- action
io $ SysIO.hClose handle
promptExecute :: [(String, X ())] -> X ()
promptExecute commands = do
selection <- Dmenu.menuMapArgs "rofi" ["-dmenu", "-i"] $ M.fromList commands -- -i -> case-insensitive
Maybe.fromMaybe (return ()) selection
-- }}}
-- ManageHook -------------------------------{{{
@ -223,6 +240,7 @@ myKeys = [ ("M-C-k", sendMessage MirrorExpand >> sendMessage ShrinkSlave
myManageHook :: Query (Data.Monoid.Endo WindowSet)
myManageHook = composeAll
[ resource =? "Dialog" --> doFloat
, appName =? "pavucontrol" --> doFloat
-- , isFullscreen --> doF W.focusDown <+> doFullFloat
, manageDocks
, namedScratchpadManageHook scratchpads
@ -238,19 +256,23 @@ main = do
_ <- D.requestName dbus (D.busName_ "org.xmonad.Log")
[D.nameAllowReplacement, D.nameReplaceExisting, D.nameDoNotQueue]
-- $ ewmh (kills IntelliJ)
xmonad $ ewmh $ desktopConfig
{ terminal = myTerminal
, modMask = myModMask
, borderWidth = 1
, layoutHook = myLayout
, logHook = myLogHook <+> dynamicLogWithPP (polybarPP dbus) <+> logHook def
, startupHook = myStartupHook <+> startupHook def
, manageHook = myManageHook <+> manageHook def
--, handleEventHook = fullscreenEventHook
, focusedBorderColor = aqua
, normalBorderColor = "#282828"
} `removeKeysP` removedKeys `additionalKeysP` myKeys
$ ewmh
$ Nav2d.withNavigation2DConfig def { Nav2d.defaultTiledNavigation = Nav2d.sideNavigation }
$ desktopConfig
{ terminal = myTerminal
, modMask = myModMask
, borderWidth = 1
, layoutHook = myLayout
, logHook = myLogHook <+> dynamicLogWithPP (polybarPP dbus) <+> logHook def
, startupHook = myStartupHook <+> startupHook def
, manageHook = myManageHook <+> manageHook def
--, handleEventHook = fullscreenEventHook
, focusedBorderColor = aqua
, normalBorderColor = "#282828"
} `removeKeysP` removedKeys `additionalKeysP` myKeys
-- }}}
@ -293,3 +315,18 @@ dbusOutput dbus str = do
-- }}}
-- Utilities --------------------------------------------------- {{{
promptDzenWhileRunning :: String -> [String] -> X () -> X ()
promptDzenWhileRunning promptTitle options action = do
handle <- spawnPipe $ "sleep 1 && dzen2 -e onstart=uncollapse -l " ++ lineCount ++ " -fn '" ++ font ++ "'"
io $ SysIO.hPutStrLn handle (promptTitle ++ unlines options)
_ <- action
io $ SysIO.hClose handle
lineCount = show $ length options
font = "-*-iosevka-medium-r-s*--16-87-*-*-*-*-iso10???-1"
-- }}}
Binary file not shown.
Add table
Reference in a new issue