mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 19:52:14 +00:00
more optimization
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 45 additions and 25 deletions
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
(se showmode false)
(se showmode false)
(se undodir (.. vim.env.HOME "/.vim/undo-dir"))
(se undodir (.. vim.env.HOME "/.vim/undo-dir"))
(se undofile true)
(se undofile true)
(set vim.bo.undofile true)
(se shortmess (.. vim.o.shortmess "c")) ; Don't give completion messages like 'match 1 of 2' or 'The only match'
(se shortmess (.. vim.o.shortmess "c")) ; Don't give completion messages like 'match 1 of 2' or 'The only match'
(se hidden true)
(se hidden true)
(se encoding "utf-8")
(se encoding "utf-8")
@ -63,7 +64,8 @@
(se mouse "a")
(se mouse "a")
(se shell "bash")
(se shell "bash")
(se background "dark")
(se background "dark")
;(se completeopt "longest,menuone,noselect")
(se swapfile false)
(se undolevels 10000)
(vim-let &t_ut "")
(vim-let &t_ut "")
@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
nvim aniseed.nvim
nvim aniseed.nvim
utils utils
utils utils
wk which-key
wk which-key
treesitter-selection nvim-treesitter.incremental_selection
treesitter-selection nvim-treesitter.incremental_selection}
trouble trouble}
require-macros [macros]})
require-macros [macros]})
; undo autopairs fuckup
; undo autopairs fuckup
@ -46,9 +45,9 @@
"A" (cmd "Lspsaga show_cursor_diagnostics" "Cursor diagnostics")
"A" (cmd "Lspsaga show_cursor_diagnostics" "Cursor diagnostics")
"a" (cmd "Lspsaga show_line_diagnostics" "Line diagnostics")
"a" (cmd "Lspsaga show_line_diagnostics" "Line diagnostics")
"h" (cmd "RustToggleInlayHints" "Toggle inlay hints")
"h" (cmd "RustToggleInlayHints" "Toggle inlay hints")
"r" [#(trouble.open "lsp_references") "Show references"]
"r" (cmd "Trouble lsp_references" "Show references")
"E" [#(trouble.open "lsp_document_diagnostics") "List diagnostics"]
"E" (cmd "Trouble lsp_document_diagnostics" "List diagnostics")
"e" [#(trouble.open "lsp_workspace_diagnostics") "Show diagnostics"]
"e" (cmd "Trouble lsp_workspace_diagnostics" "Show diagnostics")
"g" [vim.lsp.buf.definition "Go to definition"]
"g" [vim.lsp.buf.definition "Go to definition"]
"i" [vim.lsp.buf.implementation "Show implementation"]
"i" [vim.lsp.buf.implementation "Show implementation"]
"f" [vim.lsp.buf.formatting "format file"]}
"f" [vim.lsp.buf.formatting "format file"]}
@ -68,7 +68,12 @@
(a.assoc block 1 name)
(a.assoc block 1 name)
(when (. block :mod)
(when (. block :mod)
;(a.assoc block :config `#((. (require "utils") :safe-require) ,(. block :mod)))
;(a.assoc block :config `#((. (require "utils") :safe-require) ,(. block :mod)))
(a.assoc block :config `#(require ,(. block :mod))))
(a.assoc block :config `#(
;(print ,(. block :mod))
require ,(. block :mod))))
(a.assoc block :mod)
(a.assoc block :mod)
(table.insert use-statements block)))
(table.insert use-statements block)))
@ -5,9 +5,13 @@
"/home/leon/coding/projects/nvim-gehzu" {}
"/home/leon/coding/projects/nvim-gehzu" {}
:elkowar/kmonad.vim {}
:elkowar/kmonad.vim {}
:lifepillar/vim-gruvbox8 {:opt false
:gruvbox-community/gruvbox {:opt false
:config #((do (vim.cmd "colorscheme gruvbox8")
:config #(vim.cmd "colorscheme gruvbox")}
(set vim.g.gruvbox_italics 0)
(set vim.g.gruvbox_ifiletype_hi_groups 1)
(set vim.g.gruvbox_plugins_hi_groups 1)))}
;:gruvbox-community/gruvbox {:opt false
;:config #(vim.cmd "colorscheme gruvbox")}
:nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim {:mod "plugins.telescope"
:nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim {:mod "plugins.telescope"
:cmd ["Telescope"]
:cmd ["Telescope"]
@ -15,12 +19,15 @@
:kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons {}
:kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons {}
:nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter {:mod "plugins.treesitter"
:event ["BufEnter"]
:run ":TSUpdate"}
:JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring {:event ["BufEnter"]
:requires [:nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter]}
:nvim-treesitter/playground {:event ["BufEnter"]
:requires [:nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter]}
;:p00f/nvim-ts-rainbow {}
;:p00f/nvim-ts-rainbow {}
;:romgrk/nvim-treesitter-context {}
;:romgrk/nvim-treesitter-context {}
:JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring {}
:nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter {:mod "plugins.treesitter"
:run ":TSUpdate"}
:nvim-treesitter/playground {}
:jiangmiao/auto-pairs {}
:jiangmiao/auto-pairs {}
@ -32,7 +39,7 @@
; json query stuff
; json query stuff
:gennaro-tedesco/nvim-jqx {:ft ["json"]}
:gennaro-tedesco/nvim-jqx {:ft ["json"]}
:Olical/aniseed {}; :tag "v3.16.0"}
:Olical/aniseed {:branch "develop"}; :tag "v3.16.0"}
; general purpose lua wrappers for nvim stuff
; general purpose lua wrappers for nvim stuff
:norcalli/nvim.lua {}
:norcalli/nvim.lua {}
@ -40,8 +47,8 @@
;:glepnir/galaxyline.nvim {:mod "plugins.galaxyline"
;:glepnir/galaxyline.nvim {:mod "plugins.galaxyline"
;:after "gruvbox"}
;:after "gruvbox"}
:Famiu/feline.nvim {:mod "plugins.feline"
:Famiu/feline.nvim {:mod "plugins.feline"}
:after "gruvbox"}
;:after "gruvbox"}
;:gwimm/lililine.nvim {:after "gruvbox"
;:gwimm/lililine.nvim {:after "gruvbox"
;:mod "plugins.lililine"}
;:mod "plugins.lililine"}
@ -49,13 +56,14 @@
:akinsho/nvim-bufferline.lua {:mod "plugins.bufferline"}
:akinsho/nvim-bufferline.lua {:mod "plugins.bufferline"}
;:romgrk/barbar.nvim {:mod "plugins.barbar"}
;:romgrk/barbar.nvim {:mod "plugins.barbar"}
:sindrets/diffview.nvim {:mod "plugins.diffview"}
:sindrets/diffview.nvim {:cmd ["DiffviewOpen" "DiffviewToggleFiles"]
:mod "plugins.diffview"}
:tweekmonster/startuptime.vim {:cmd ["StartupTime"]}
:tweekmonster/startuptime.vim {:cmd ["StartupTime"]}
:tpope/vim-repeat {}
:tpope/vim-repeat {}
:junegunn/goyo.vim {:cmd "Goyo"}
:junegunn/goyo.vim {:cmd "Goyo"}
;:lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim {:mod "plugins.gitsigns"}
:lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim {:mod "plugins.gitsigns"}
:tpope/vim-fugitive {}
:tpope/vim-fugitive {}
@ -81,15 +89,19 @@
; code-related ----------------------------------------- <<<
; code-related ----------------------------------------- <<<
:folke/lsp-trouble.nvim {:mod "plugins.trouble"}
:ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim {:events [:BufEnter]}
:folke/lsp-trouble.nvim {:mod "plugins.trouble"
:cmd ["Trouble" "TroubleClose" "TroubleRefresh" "TroubleToggle"]}
:simrat39/symbols-outline.nvim {:mod "plugins.symbols-outline"}
:simrat39/symbols-outline.nvim {:mod "plugins.symbols-outline"}
:neovim/nvim-lspconfig {}
:neovim/nvim-lspconfig {}
;:hrsh7th/nvim-compe {:mod "plugins.compe"}
;:hrsh7th/nvim-compe {:mod "plugins.compe"}
:/home/leon/coding/prs/nvim-compe {:mod "plugins.compe"}
:/home/leon/coding/prs/nvim-compe {:event [:BufEnter]
:mod "plugins.compe"}
:glepnir/lspsaga.nvim {:mod "plugins.lspsaga"}
:glepnir/lspsaga.nvim {:mod "plugins.lspsaga"
:event [:BufEnter]}
:Olical/conjure {}
:Olical/conjure {}
@ -117,7 +129,7 @@
:pangloss/vim-javascript {} ; syntax highlighting JS
:pangloss/vim-javascript {} ; syntax highlighting JS
:ianks/vim-tsx {}
:ianks/vim-tsx {}
:leafgarland/typescript-vim {}
:leafgarland/typescript-vim {}
:sheerun/vim-polyglot {} ; Syntax highlighting for most languages
;:sheerun/vim-polyglot {:event [:BufEnter]} ; Syntax highlighting for most languages
:HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim {} ; typescript syntax highlighting
:HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim {} ; typescript syntax highlighting
:mxw/vim-jsx {}
:mxw/vim-jsx {}
:mattn/emmet-vim {:mod "plugins.emmet"}
:mattn/emmet-vim {:mod "plugins.emmet"}
@ -133,7 +145,6 @@
:simrat39/rust-tools.nvim {:ft ["rust"]}
:simrat39/rust-tools.nvim {:ft ["rust"]}
:qnighy/lalrpop.vim {}
:qnighy/lalrpop.vim {}
:ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim {}
:vmchale/ats-vim {:ft ["ats"]}
:vmchale/ats-vim {:ft ["ats"]}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(module plugins.sneak
(module plugins.sneak
{autoload {utils utils}})
{require {utils utils}})
(set vim.g.sneak#label 1)
(set vim.g.sneak#label 1)
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-- not even used, but epic. stores the path to the root config directory.
-- not even used, but epic. stores the path to the root config directory.
local vim_config_root = vim.fn.expand("<sfile>:p:h")
local vim_config_root = vim.fn.expand("<sfile>:p:h")
Add table
Reference in a new issue