diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/fnl/dots/keybinds.fnl b/nvim/.config/nvim/fnl/dots/keybinds.fnl index 037ea0f..0167ece 100644 --- a/nvim/.config/nvim/fnl/dots/keybinds.fnl +++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/fnl/dots/keybinds.fnl @@ -52,17 +52,17 @@ (vim.cmd (.. "silent !xdg-open zotero://select/items/@" (str.join sel))))) -(fn cmd [s desc] [(.. "" s "") desc]) -(fn sel-cmd [s desc] [(.. "'<,'>" s "") desc]) -(fn rebind [s desc] [s desc]) - (fn key-map [obj] (icollect [key val (pairs obj)] (utils.prepend key val))) -(fn key [bind desc] +(fn m [bind desc] {1 bind :desc desc}) +(fn cmd [s desc] (utils.prepend (.. "" s "") {:desc desc})) +(fn sel-cmd [s desc] (utils.prepend (.. "'<,'>" s "") {:desc desc})) +(fn rebind [s desc] (m s desc)) + (fn format [] (if (a.some #$1.server_capabilities.documentFormattingProvider (vim.lsp.get_active_clients)) @@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ (wk.add (key-map - {"c" {:name "+comment out"} - "e" {:name "+emmet"} + {"c" {:group "+comment out"} + "e" {:group "+emmet"} "[" (cmd "HopWord" "Hop to a word") "h" (cmd "bprevious" "previous buffer") @@ -97,98 +97,81 @@ "s" (cmd "w" "Save file") "g" (cmd "Neogit" "Git") - "n" [(. (require :persistence) :load) "Load last session"]})) + "n" (m (. (require :persistence) :load) "Load last session") + "d" {:group "+Debugging"} + "db" (m dap.toggle_breakpoint "toggle breakpoint") + "du" (m dapui.toggle "toggle dapui") + "dc" (m dap.step_into "continue") + "dr" (m dap.repl.open "open repl") -(wk.register - {"c" {:name "+comment out"} - "e" {:name "+emmet"} + "ds" {:group "+Step"} + "dso" (m dap.step_over "over") + "dsu" (m dap.step_out "out") + "dsi" (m dap.step_into "into") - "[" (cmd "HopWord" "Hop to a word") - "h" (cmd "bprevious" "previous buffer") - "l" (cmd "bnext" "next buffer") - "o" (cmd "Telescope live_grep" "Grep files") - "P" (cmd "Telescope frecency frecency default_text=:CWD:" "Frecency magic") - "p" (cmd "Telescope find_files" "Open file-browser") - ":" (cmd "Telescope commands" "Search command with fzf") - "s" (cmd "w" "Save file") - "g" (cmd "Neogit" "Git") + "m" {:group "+Code actions"} + "m;" (m #(set vim.o.spell (not vim.o.spell)) "Toggle spell checking") + "md" (m vim.lsp.buf.hover "Show documentation") + "mo" (cmd "SymbolsOutline" "Outline") + "mS" (cmd "Telescope lsp_document_symbols" "Symbols in document") + "ms" (cmd "Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols" "Symbols in workspace") + "mT" (m vim.lsp.buf.signature_help "Show signature help") + "mn" (m open-rename "Rename") + "mv" (cmd "CodeActionMenu" "Apply codeaction") + "mA" (m #(vim.diagnostic.open_float {:scope :cursor}) "Cursor diagnostics") + "ma" (m #(vim.diagnostic.open_float {}) "Line diagnostics") + "mh" (cmd "RustToggleInlayHints" "Toggle inlay hints") + "mr" (cmd "Trouble lsp_references" "Show references") + "mE" (cmd "Trouble document_diagnostics" "List diagnostics") + "me" (cmd "Trouble workspace_diagnostics" "Show diagnostics") + "mt" (cmd "Trouble lsp_type_definitions" "Go to type-definition") + "mi" (cmd "Trouble lsp_implementations" "Show implementation") + "mg" (cmd "Trouble lsp_definitions" "Go to definition") + "mw" (m toggle-lsp-lines "Toggle LSP lines") + "mW" (m toggle-lsp-lines-current "Toggle LSP line") + "mf" (m format "format file") + "m," (cmd "RustRunnables" "Run rust stuff") - "n" [(. (require :persistence) :load) "Load last session"] + "mx" {:group "+Glance"} + "mxd" (m #(glance.open "definitions") "Definitions") + "mxr" (m #(glance.open "references") "References") + "mxt" (m #(glance.open "type_definitions") "Type definitions") + "mxi" (m #(glance.open "implementations") "Implementations") - "d" {:name "+Debugging" - "b" [dap.toggle_breakpoint "toggle breakpoint"] - "u" [dapui.toggle "toggle dapui"] - "c" [dap.step_into "continue"] - "r" [dap.repl.open "open repl"] - "s" {:name "+Step" - "o" [dap.step_over "over"] - "u" [dap.step_out "out"] - "i" [dap.step_into "into"]}} + "c" {:group "+Crates"} + "mcj" (m crates.show_popup "crates popup") + "mcf" (m crates.show_features_popup "crate features") + "mcv" (m crates.show_versions_popup "crate versions") + "mcd" (m crates.show_dependencies_popup "crate dependencies") + "mch" (m crates.open_documentation "crate documentation") - "m" {:name "+Code actions" - ";" [#(set vim.o.spell (not vim.o.spell)) "Toggle spell checking"] - "d" [vim.lsp.buf.hover "Show documentation"] - "o" (cmd "SymbolsOutline" "Outline") - "S" (cmd "Telescope lsp_document_symbols" "Symbols in document") - "s" (cmd "Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols" "Symbols in workspace") - "T" [vim.lsp.buf.signature_help "Show signature help"] - "n" [open-rename "Rename"] - "v" (cmd "CodeActionMenu" "Apply codeaction") - "A" [#(vim.diagnostic.open_float {:scope :cursor}) "Cursor diagnostics"] - "a" [#(vim.diagnostic.open_float {}) "Line diagnostics"] - "h" (cmd "RustToggleInlayHints" "Toggle inlay hints") - "r" (cmd "Trouble lsp_references" "Show references") - "E" (cmd "Trouble document_diagnostics" "List diagnostics") - "e" (cmd "Trouble workspace_diagnostics" "Show diagnostics") - "t" (cmd "Trouble lsp_type_definitions" "Go to type-definition") - "i" (cmd "Trouble lsp_implementations" "Show implementation") - "g" (cmd "Trouble lsp_definitions" "Go to definition") - "w" [toggle-lsp-lines "Toggle LSP lines"] - "W" [toggle-lsp-lines-current "Toggle LSP line"] - "f" [format "format file"] - "," (cmd "RustRunnables" "Run rust stuff") - "x" {:name "+Glance" - "d" [#(glance.open "definitions") "Definitions"] - "r" [#(glance.open "references") "References"] - "t" [#(glance.open "type_definitions") "Type definitions"] - "i" [#(glance.open "implementations") "Implementations"]} - "c" {:name "+Crates" - "j" [crates.show_popup "crates popup"] - "f" [crates.show_features_popup "crate features"] - "v" [crates.show_versions_popup "crate versions"] - "d" [crates.show_dependencies_popup "crate dependencies"] - "h" [crates.open_documentation "crate documentation"]}} - - - "f" {:name "+folds" - "o" (cmd "foldopen" "open fold") - "n" (cmd "foldclose" "close fold") - "j" (rebind "zj" "jump to next fold") - "k" (rebind "zk" "jump to previous fold")} + "f" {:group "+folds"} + "fo" (cmd "foldopen" "open fold") + "fn" (cmd "foldclose" "close fold") + "fj" (rebind "zj" "jump to next fold") + "fk" (rebind "zk" "jump to previous fold") - "v" {:name "+view-and-layout" - "n" (cmd "set relativenumber!" "toggle relative numbers") - "m" (cmd "set nonumber! norelativenumber" "toggle numbers") - "g" (cmd "ZenMode" "toggle zen mode") - "i" (cmd "IndentGuidesToggle" "toggle indent guides") - "w" (cmd "set wrap! linebreak!" "toggle linewrapping")} + "v" {:group "+view-and-layout"} + "vn" (cmd "set relativenumber!" "toggle relative numbers") + "vm" (cmd "set nonumber! norelativenumber" "toggle numbers") + "vg" (cmd "ZenMode" "toggle zen mode") + "vi" (cmd "IndentGuidesToggle" "toggle indent guides") + "vw" (cmd "set wrap! linebreak!" "toggle linewrapping") - "b" {:name "+buffers" - "b" (cmd ":Telescope buffers" "select open buffer") - "c" (cmd ":Bdelete!" "close open buffer") - "w" (cmd ":Bwipeout!" "wipeout open buffer")}} + "b" {:group "+buffers"} + "bb" (cmd ":Telescope buffers" "select open buffer") + "bc" (cmd ":Bdelete!" "close open buffer") + "bw" (cmd ":Bwipeout!" "wipeout open buffer")})) - {:prefix ""}) - (wk.add (key-map {"" {:hidden true} "gss" {:desc "init selection"} "z" {:group "folds"} - "zc" (key "foldclose" "close fold") - "zo" (key "foldopen" "open fold")})) + "zc" (m "foldclose" "close fold") + "zo" (m "foldopen" "open fold")})) (wk.add (key-map {"" {:hidden true :mode "i"}})) @@ -197,7 +180,7 @@ (utils.prepend (key-map {"s" (sel-cmd "VSSplit" "keep selection visible in split") - "z" [open-selection-zotero "open in zotero"] + "z" (m open-selection-zotero "open in zotero") "gs" {:group "+Selection"} "gsj" {:desc "increment selection"} diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/fnl/dots/plugins/plugins.fnl b/nvim/.config/nvim/fnl/dots/plugins/plugins.fnl index aa9a9e8..d01e1d1 100644 --- a/nvim/.config/nvim/fnl/dots/plugins/plugins.fnl +++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/fnl/dots/plugins/plugins.fnl @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ {:dependencies ["nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"] ;:event ["BufRead Cargo.toml"] ;:lazy true - :opts {:disable_invalid_feature_diagnostic true + :opts {;:disable_invalid_feature_diagnostic true :enable_update_available_warning false}}) ; temporarily using this fork that merges a few fixes, until simrat is back diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/dots/keybinds.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/dots/keybinds.lua index 9a1209e..276d9a2 100644 --- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/dots/keybinds.lua +++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/dots/keybinds.lua @@ -29,15 +29,6 @@ local function open_selection_zotero() local _, _0, sel = utils["get-selection"]() return vim.cmd(("silent !xdg-open zotero://select/items/@" .. str.join(sel))) end -local function cmd(s, desc) - return {("" .. s .. ""), desc} -end -local function sel_cmd(s, desc) - return {("'<,'>" .. s .. ""), desc} -end -local function rebind(s, desc) - return {s, desc} -end local function key_map(obj) local tbl_21_auto = {} local i_22_auto = 0 @@ -51,9 +42,18 @@ local function key_map(obj) end return tbl_21_auto end -local function key(bind, desc) +local function m(bind, desc) return {bind, desc = desc} end +local function cmd(s, desc) + return utils.prepend(("" .. s .. ""), {desc = desc}) +end +local function sel_cmd(s, desc) + return utils.prepend(("'<,'>" .. s .. ""), {desc = desc}) +end +local function rebind(s, desc) + return m(s, desc) +end local function format() local function _3_(_241) return _241.server_capabilities.documentFormattingProvider @@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ local function toggle_lsp_lines_current() return vim.diagnostic.config({virtual_lines = {only_current_line = true}}) end wk.setup({}) -wk.add(key_map({["c"] = {name = "+comment out"}, ["e"] = {name = "+emmet"}, ["["] = cmd("HopWord", "Hop to a word"), ["h"] = cmd("bprevious", "previous buffer"), ["l"] = cmd("bnext", "next buffer"), ["o"] = cmd("Telescope live_grep", "Grep files"), ["P"] = cmd("Telescope frecency frecency default_text=:CWD:", "Frecency magic"), ["p"] = cmd("Telescope find_files", "Open file-browser"), [":"] = cmd("Telescope commands", "Search command with fzf"), ["s"] = cmd("w", "Save file"), ["g"] = cmd("Neogit", "Git"), ["n"] = {require("persistence").load, "Load last session"}})) local function _5_() vim.o.spell = not vim.o.spell return nil @@ -98,9 +97,9 @@ end local function _11_() return glance.open("implementations") end -wk.register({c = {name = "+comment out"}, e = {name = "+emmet"}, ["["] = cmd("HopWord", "Hop to a word"), h = cmd("bprevious", "previous buffer"), l = cmd("bnext", "next buffer"), o = cmd("Telescope live_grep", "Grep files"), P = cmd("Telescope frecency frecency default_text=:CWD:", "Frecency magic"), p = cmd("Telescope find_files", "Open file-browser"), [":"] = cmd("Telescope commands", "Search command with fzf"), s = cmd("w", "Save file"), g = cmd("Neogit", "Git"), n = {require("persistence").load, "Load last session"}, d = {name = "+Debugging", b = {dap.toggle_breakpoint, "toggle breakpoint"}, u = {dapui.toggle, "toggle dapui"}, c = {dap.step_into, "continue"}, r = {dap.repl.open, "open repl"}, s = {name = "+Step", o = {dap.step_over, "over"}, u = {dap.step_out, "out"}, i = {dap.step_into, "into"}}}, m = {name = "+Code actions", [";"] = {_5_, "Toggle spell checking"}, d = {vim.lsp.buf.hover, "Show documentation"}, o = cmd("SymbolsOutline", "Outline"), S = cmd("Telescope lsp_document_symbols", "Symbols in document"), s = cmd("Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols", "Symbols in workspace"), T = {vim.lsp.buf.signature_help, "Show signature help"}, n = {open_rename, "Rename"}, v = cmd("CodeActionMenu", "Apply codeaction"), A = {_6_, "Cursor diagnostics"}, a = {_7_, "Line diagnostics"}, h = cmd("RustToggleInlayHints", "Toggle inlay hints"), r = cmd("Trouble lsp_references", "Show references"), E = cmd("Trouble document_diagnostics", "List diagnostics"), e = cmd("Trouble workspace_diagnostics", "Show diagnostics"), t = cmd("Trouble lsp_type_definitions", "Go to type-definition"), i = cmd("Trouble lsp_implementations", "Show implementation"), g = cmd("Trouble lsp_definitions", "Go to definition"), w = {toggle_lsp_lines, "Toggle LSP lines"}, W = {toggle_lsp_lines_current, "Toggle LSP line"}, f = {format, "format file"}, [","] = cmd("RustRunnables", "Run rust stuff"), x = {name = "+Glance", d = {_8_, "Definitions"}, r = {_9_, "References"}, t = {_10_, "Type definitions"}, i = {_11_, "Implementations"}}, c = {name = "+Crates", j = {crates.show_popup, "crates popup"}, f = {crates.show_features_popup, "crate features"}, v = {crates.show_versions_popup, "crate versions"}, d = {crates.show_dependencies_popup, "crate dependencies"}, h = {crates.open_documentation, "crate documentation"}}}, f = {name = "+folds", o = cmd("foldopen", "open fold"), n = cmd("foldclose", "close fold"), j = rebind("zj", "jump to next fold"), k = rebind("zk", "jump to previous fold")}, v = {name = "+view-and-layout", n = cmd("set relativenumber!", "toggle relative numbers"), m = cmd("set nonumber! norelativenumber", "toggle numbers"), g = cmd("ZenMode", "toggle zen mode"), i = cmd("IndentGuidesToggle", "toggle indent guides"), w = cmd("set wrap! linebreak!", "toggle linewrapping")}, b = {name = "+buffers", b = cmd(":Telescope buffers", "select open buffer"), c = cmd(":Bdelete!", "close open buffer"), w = cmd(":Bwipeout!", "wipeout open buffer")}}, {prefix = ""}) -wk.add(key_map({[""] = {hidden = true}, gss = {desc = "init selection"}, z = {group = "folds"}, zc = key("foldclose", "close fold"), zo = key("foldopen", "open fold")})) +wk.add(key_map({["c"] = {group = "+Crates"}, ["e"] = {group = "+emmet"}, ["["] = cmd("HopWord", "Hop to a word"), ["h"] = cmd("bprevious", "previous buffer"), ["l"] = cmd("bnext", "next buffer"), ["o"] = cmd("Telescope live_grep", "Grep files"), ["P"] = cmd("Telescope frecency frecency default_text=:CWD:", "Frecency magic"), ["p"] = cmd("Telescope find_files", "Open file-browser"), [":"] = cmd("Telescope commands", "Search command with fzf"), ["s"] = cmd("w", "Save file"), ["g"] = cmd("Neogit", "Git"), ["n"] = m(require("persistence").load, "Load last session"), ["d"] = {group = "+Debugging"}, ["db"] = m(dap.toggle_breakpoint, "toggle breakpoint"), ["du"] = m(dapui.toggle, "toggle dapui"), ["dc"] = m(dap.step_into, "continue"), ["dr"] = m(dap.repl.open, "open repl"), ["ds"] = {group = "+Step"}, ["dso"] = m(dap.step_over, "over"), ["dsu"] = m(dap.step_out, "out"), ["dsi"] = m(dap.step_into, "into"), ["m"] = {group = "+Code actions"}, ["m;"] = m(_5_, "Toggle spell checking"), ["md"] = m(vim.lsp.buf.hover, "Show documentation"), ["mo"] = cmd("SymbolsOutline", "Outline"), ["mS"] = cmd("Telescope lsp_document_symbols", "Symbols in document"), ["ms"] = cmd("Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols", "Symbols in workspace"), ["mT"] = m(vim.lsp.buf.signature_help, "Show signature help"), ["mn"] = m(open_rename, "Rename"), ["mv"] = cmd("CodeActionMenu", "Apply codeaction"), ["mA"] = m(_6_, "Cursor diagnostics"), ["ma"] = m(_7_, "Line diagnostics"), ["mh"] = cmd("RustToggleInlayHints", "Toggle inlay hints"), ["mr"] = cmd("Trouble lsp_references", "Show references"), ["mE"] = cmd("Trouble document_diagnostics", "List diagnostics"), ["me"] = cmd("Trouble workspace_diagnostics", "Show diagnostics"), ["mt"] = cmd("Trouble lsp_type_definitions", "Go to type-definition"), ["mi"] = cmd("Trouble lsp_implementations", "Show implementation"), ["mg"] = cmd("Trouble lsp_definitions", "Go to definition"), ["mw"] = m(toggle_lsp_lines, "Toggle LSP lines"), ["mW"] = m(toggle_lsp_lines_current, "Toggle LSP line"), ["mf"] = m(format, "format file"), ["m,"] = cmd("RustRunnables", "Run rust stuff"), ["mx"] = {group = "+Glance"}, ["mxd"] = m(_8_, "Definitions"), ["mxr"] = m(_9_, "References"), ["mxt"] = m(_10_, "Type definitions"), ["mxi"] = m(_11_, "Implementations"), ["mcj"] = m(crates.show_popup, "crates popup"), ["mcf"] = m(crates.show_features_popup, "crate features"), ["mcv"] = m(crates.show_versions_popup, "crate versions"), ["mcd"] = m(crates.show_dependencies_popup, "crate dependencies"), ["mch"] = m(crates.open_documentation, "crate documentation"), ["f"] = {group = "+folds"}, ["fo"] = cmd("foldopen", "open fold"), ["fn"] = cmd("foldclose", "close fold"), ["fj"] = rebind("zj", "jump to next fold"), ["fk"] = rebind("zk", "jump to previous fold"), ["v"] = {group = "+view-and-layout"}, ["vn"] = cmd("set relativenumber!", "toggle relative numbers"), ["vm"] = cmd("set nonumber! norelativenumber", "toggle numbers"), ["vg"] = cmd("ZenMode", "toggle zen mode"), ["vi"] = cmd("IndentGuidesToggle", "toggle indent guides"), ["vw"] = cmd("set wrap! linebreak!", "toggle linewrapping"), ["b"] = {group = "+buffers"}, ["bb"] = cmd(":Telescope buffers", "select open buffer"), ["bc"] = cmd(":Bdelete!", "close open buffer"), ["bw"] = cmd(":Bwipeout!", "wipeout open buffer")})) +wk.add(key_map({[""] = {hidden = true}, gss = {desc = "init selection"}, z = {group = "folds"}, zc = m("foldclose", "close fold"), zo = m("foldopen", "open fold")})) wk.add(key_map({[""] = {hidden = true, mode = "i"}})) -wk.add(utils.prepend(key_map({["s"] = sel_cmd("VSSplit", "keep selection visible in split"), ["z"] = {open_selection_zotero, "open in zotero"}, gs = {group = "+Selection"}, gsj = {desc = "increment selection"}, gsk = {desc = "decrement selection"}, gsl = {desc = "increment node"}, gsh = {desc = "decrement node"}}), {mode = "v"})) +wk.add(utils.prepend(key_map({["s"] = sel_cmd("VSSplit", "keep selection visible in split"), ["z"] = m(open_selection_zotero, "open in zotero"), gs = {group = "+Selection"}, gsj = {desc = "increment selection"}, gsk = {desc = "decrement selection"}, gsl = {desc = "increment node"}, gsh = {desc = "decrement node"}}), {mode = "v"})) vim.o.timeoutlen = 200 return nil diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/dots/plugins/plugins.lua b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/dots/plugins/plugins.lua index 0ecfeba..999310f 100644 --- a/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/dots/plugins/plugins.lua +++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/lua/dots/plugins/plugins.lua @@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ local function _6_() vim.g.rustfmt_fail_silently = 1 return nil end -return {"Olical/aniseed", "Olical/nfnl", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "norcalli/nvim.lua", "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons", "folke/which-key.nvim", {"ckipp01/nvim-jenkinsfile-linter", dependencies = {"nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"}}, "psliwka/vim-smoothie", {"nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides", cmd = {"IndentGuidesToggle"}}, {"luukvbaal/stabilize.nvim", config = true}, {"stevearc/dressing.nvim", config = true}, {"tweekmonster/startuptime.vim", cmd = {"StartupTime"}}, {"moll/vim-bbye", lazy = true, cmd = {"Bdelete", "Bwipeout"}}, {"petertriho/nvim-scrollbar", event = "VeryLazy", lazy = true, config = true}, {"TimUntersberger/neogit", opts = {integrations = {diffview = true}}, cmd = {"Neogit"}}, {"folke/persistence.nvim", opts = {dir = vim.fn.expand((vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/sessions/"))}}, {"https://git.sr.ht/~whynothugo/lsp_lines.nvim", config = _1_}, "jiangmiao/auto-pairs", "tpope/vim-repeat", {"preservim/nerdcommenter", event = "VeryLazy", lazy = true, priority = 1000}, {"godlygeek/tabular", cmd = {"Tabularize"}}, "tpope/vim-surround", "hauleth/sad.vim", "wellle/targets.vim", {"mg979/vim-visual-multi", lazy = true, event = "VeryLazy"}, "tommcdo/vim-exchange", {"phaazon/hop.nvim", lazy = true, event = "VeryLazy", opts = {keys = "jfkdls;amvieurow"}}, {"rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui", lazy = true, config = true, dependencies = {"mfussenegger/nvim-dap", "nvim-neotest/nvim-nio"}}, {"mfussenegger/nvim-dap", lazy = true}, {"nvim-telescope/telescope-dap.nvim", lazy = true, dependencies = {"nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", "mfussenegger/nvim-dap"}}, {"ldelossa/gh.nvim", lazy = true, config = _2_, dependencies = {"ldelossa/litee.nvim"}}, {"pwntester/octo.nvim", lazy = true, dependencies = {"nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons"}, config = true}, "ruanyl/vim-gh-line", "rhysd/conflict-marker.vim", {"tpope/vim-fugitive", lazy = true, event = "VeryLazy"}, {"ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim", event = "BufEnter"}, {"weilbith/nvim-code-action-menu", cmd = "CodeActionMenu", config = _3_}, {"dnlhc/glance.nvim", lazy = true, config = true}, {"smjonas/inc-rename.nvim", opts = {input_buffer_type = "dressing"}}, {"monkoose/nvlime", ft = {"lisp"}, dependencies = {"monkoose/parsley"}}, "imsnif/kdl.vim", "tpope/vim-sleuth", "editorconfig/editorconfig-vim", "sbdchd/neoformat", {"elkowar/antifennel-nvim", config = _4_}, {"Olical/conjure", ft = {"fennel"}}, {"eraserhd/parinfer-rust", build = "cargo build --release"}, "kmonad/kmonad-vim", {"elkowar/yuck.vim", ft = {"yuck"}}, {"cespare/vim-toml", ft = {"toml"}}, {"bduggan/vim-raku", ft = {"raku"}}, {"LnL7/vim-nix", ft = {"nix"}}, {"kevinoid/vim-jsonc"}, {"pangloss/vim-javascript", ft = {"javascript"}}, {"ianks/vim-tsx", ft = {"typescript-react"}}, {"leafgarland/typescript-vim", ft = {"typescript", "typescript-react", "javascript"}}, {"HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim"}, {"mxw/vim-jsx"}, {"purescript-contrib/purescript-vim", ft = {"purescript"}}, {"derekelkins/agda-vim", ft = {"agda"}}, {"neovimhaskell/haskell-vim", ft = {"haskell"}}, {"monkoose/nvlime", ft = {"lisp"}, dependencies = {"monkoose/parsley"}, config = _5_}, {"rust-lang/rust.vim", ft = {"rust"}, dependencies = {"mattn/webapi-vim"}, config = _6_}, {"Saecki/crates.nvim", dependencies = {"nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"}, opts = {disable_invalid_feature_diagnostic = true, enable_update_available_warning = false}}, {"mrcjkb/rustaceanvim", version = "^4", ft = {"rust", "toml"}}, {"qnighy/lalrpop.vim"}, {"edwinb/idris2-vim", ft = {"idris2"}}, {"vmchale/ats-vim", ft = {"ats", "dats", "sats"}}, {"bakpakin/fennel.vim", ft = {"fennel"}}, {"evanleck/vim-svelte"}} +return {"Olical/aniseed", "Olical/nfnl", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "norcalli/nvim.lua", "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons", "folke/which-key.nvim", {"ckipp01/nvim-jenkinsfile-linter", dependencies = {"nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"}}, "psliwka/vim-smoothie", {"nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides", cmd = {"IndentGuidesToggle"}}, {"luukvbaal/stabilize.nvim", config = true}, {"stevearc/dressing.nvim", config = true}, {"tweekmonster/startuptime.vim", cmd = {"StartupTime"}}, {"moll/vim-bbye", lazy = true, cmd = {"Bdelete", "Bwipeout"}}, {"petertriho/nvim-scrollbar", event = "VeryLazy", lazy = true, config = true}, {"TimUntersberger/neogit", opts = {integrations = {diffview = true}}, cmd = {"Neogit"}}, {"folke/persistence.nvim", opts = {dir = vim.fn.expand((vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/sessions/"))}}, {"https://git.sr.ht/~whynothugo/lsp_lines.nvim", config = _1_}, "jiangmiao/auto-pairs", "tpope/vim-repeat", {"preservim/nerdcommenter", event = "VeryLazy", lazy = true, priority = 1000}, {"godlygeek/tabular", cmd = {"Tabularize"}}, "tpope/vim-surround", "hauleth/sad.vim", "wellle/targets.vim", {"mg979/vim-visual-multi", lazy = true, event = "VeryLazy"}, "tommcdo/vim-exchange", {"phaazon/hop.nvim", lazy = true, event = "VeryLazy", opts = {keys = "jfkdls;amvieurow"}}, {"rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui", lazy = true, config = true, dependencies = {"mfussenegger/nvim-dap", "nvim-neotest/nvim-nio"}}, {"mfussenegger/nvim-dap", lazy = true}, {"nvim-telescope/telescope-dap.nvim", lazy = true, dependencies = {"nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", "mfussenegger/nvim-dap"}}, {"ldelossa/gh.nvim", lazy = true, config = _2_, dependencies = {"ldelossa/litee.nvim"}}, {"pwntester/octo.nvim", lazy = true, dependencies = {"nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons"}, config = true}, "ruanyl/vim-gh-line", "rhysd/conflict-marker.vim", {"tpope/vim-fugitive", lazy = true, event = "VeryLazy"}, {"ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim", event = "BufEnter"}, {"weilbith/nvim-code-action-menu", cmd = "CodeActionMenu", config = _3_}, {"dnlhc/glance.nvim", lazy = true, config = true}, {"smjonas/inc-rename.nvim", opts = {input_buffer_type = "dressing"}}, {"monkoose/nvlime", ft = {"lisp"}, dependencies = {"monkoose/parsley"}}, "imsnif/kdl.vim", "tpope/vim-sleuth", "editorconfig/editorconfig-vim", "sbdchd/neoformat", {"elkowar/antifennel-nvim", config = _4_}, {"Olical/conjure", ft = {"fennel"}}, {"eraserhd/parinfer-rust", build = "cargo build --release"}, "kmonad/kmonad-vim", {"elkowar/yuck.vim", ft = {"yuck"}}, {"cespare/vim-toml", ft = {"toml"}}, {"bduggan/vim-raku", ft = {"raku"}}, {"LnL7/vim-nix", ft = {"nix"}}, {"kevinoid/vim-jsonc"}, {"pangloss/vim-javascript", ft = {"javascript"}}, {"ianks/vim-tsx", ft = {"typescript-react"}}, {"leafgarland/typescript-vim", ft = {"typescript", "typescript-react", "javascript"}}, {"HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim"}, {"mxw/vim-jsx"}, {"purescript-contrib/purescript-vim", ft = {"purescript"}}, {"derekelkins/agda-vim", ft = {"agda"}}, {"neovimhaskell/haskell-vim", ft = {"haskell"}}, {"monkoose/nvlime", ft = {"lisp"}, dependencies = {"monkoose/parsley"}, config = _5_}, {"rust-lang/rust.vim", ft = {"rust"}, dependencies = {"mattn/webapi-vim"}, config = _6_}, {"Saecki/crates.nvim", dependencies = {"nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"}, opts = {enable_update_available_warning = false}}, {"mrcjkb/rustaceanvim", version = "^4", ft = {"rust", "toml"}}, {"qnighy/lalrpop.vim"}, {"edwinb/idris2-vim", ft = {"idris2"}}, {"vmchale/ats-vim", ft = {"ats", "dats", "sats"}}, {"bakpakin/fennel.vim", ft = {"fennel"}}, {"evanleck/vim-svelte"}}