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{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Hooks.WindowSwallowing
-- Copyright : (c) 2020 Leon Kowarschick
-- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Leon Kowarschick. <thereal.elkowar@gmail.com>
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- Provides a handleEventHook that implements window swallowing.
-- If you open a GUI-window (i.e. feh) from the terminal,
-- the terminal will normally still be shown on screen, unnecessarily
-- taking up space on the screen.
-- With window swallowing, can detect that you opened a window from within another
-- window, and allows you "swallow" that parent window for the time the new
-- window is running.
-- __NOTE__: This module depends on @pstree@ to analyze the process hierarchy, so make
-- sure that is on your @$PATH@.
-- __NOTE__ that this does not always work perfectly:
-- - Because window swallowing needs to check the process hierarchy, it requires
-- both the child and the parent to be distinct processes. This means that
-- applications which implement instance sharing cannot be supported by window swallowing.
-- Most notably, this excludes some terminal emulators as well as tmux
-- from functioning as the parent process. It also excludes a good amount of
-- child programs, because many graphical applications do implement instance sharing.
-- For example, window swallowing will probably not work with your browser.
-- - To check the process hierarchy, we need to be able to get the process ID
-- by looking at the window. This requires the @_NET_WM_PID@ X-property to be set.
-- If any application you want to use this with does not provide the @_NET_WM_PID@,
-- there is not much you can do except for reaching out to the author of that
-- application and asking them to set that property.
module WindowSwallowing
( swallowEventHook
import XMonad
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS
import XMonad.Util.Run ( runProcessWithInput )
import XMonad.Util.WindowProperties
import Data.Semigroup ( All(..) )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.List ( isInfixOf )
import Control.Monad ( when )
-- $usage
-- You can use this module by including the following in your @~\/.xmonad/xmonad.hs@:
-- > import XMonad.Hooks.WindowSwallowing
-- and using 'swallowEventHook' somewhere in your 'handleEventHook', for example:
-- > myHandleEventHook = swallowEventHook [className =? "Alacritty", className =? "Termite"] [return True]
-- For more information on editing your handleEventHook and key bindings,
-- see "XMonad.Doc.Extending".
-- | handleEventHook that will swallow child windows when they are
-- opened from another window.
:: Query Bool -- ^ query the parent window has to match for window swallowing to occur.
-- Set this to @return True@ to run swallowing for every parent.
-> Query Bool -- ^ query the child window has to match for window swallowing to occur.
-- Set this to @return True@ to run swallowing for every child
-> Event -- ^ The event to handle.
-> X All
swallowEventHook parentQueries childQueries event = do
case event of
-- This is called right before a window gets opened. We intercept that
-- call to possibly open the window ourselves, swapping out
-- it's parent processes window for the new window in the stack.
MapRequestEvent { ev_window = childWindow } ->
-- For a window to be opened from within another window, that other window
-- must be focused. Thus the parent window that would be swallowed has to be
-- the currently focused window.
withFocused $ \parentWindow -> do
-- First verify that both windows match the given queries
parentMatches <- runQuery parentQueries parentWindow
childMatches <- runQuery childQueries childWindow
when (parentMatches && childMatches) $ do
-- read the windows _NET_WM_PID properties
childWindowPid <- getProp32s "_NET_WM_PID" childWindow
parentWindowPid <- getProp32s "_NET_WM_PID" parentWindow
case (parentWindowPid, childWindowPid) of
(Just (parentPid : _), Just (childPid : _)) -> do
-- check if the new window is a child process of the last focused window
-- using the process ids.
isChild <- liftIO $ fi childPid `isChildOf` fi parentPid
when isChild $ do
-- We set the newly opened window as the focused window, replacing the parent window.
-- If the parent window was floating, we transfer that data to the child,
-- such that it shows up at the same position, with the same dimensions.
( W.modify' (\x -> x { W.focus = childWindow })
. moveFloatingState parentWindow childWindow
XS.modify (addSwallowedParent parentWindow childWindow)
_ -> return ()
return ()
-- This is called in many circumstances, most notably for us:
-- right before a window gets closed. We store the current
-- state of the window stack here, such that we know where the
-- child window was on the screen when restoring the swallowed parent process.
ConfigureEvent{} -> withWindowSet $ \ws -> do
XS.modify . setStackBeforeWindowClosing . currentStack $ ws
XS.modify . setFloatingBeforeWindowClosing . W.floating $ ws
-- This is called right after any window closes.
DestroyWindowEvent { ev_event = eventId, ev_window = childWindow } ->
-- Because DestroyWindowEvent is emitted a lot more often then you think,
-- this check verifies that the event is /actually/ about closing a window.
when (eventId == childWindow) $ do
-- we get some data from the extensible state, most notably we ask for
-- the \"parent\" window of the now closed window.
maybeSwallowedParent <- XS.gets (getSwallowedParent childWindow)
maybeOldStack <- XS.gets stackBeforeWindowClosing
oldFloating <- XS.gets floatingBeforeClosing
case (maybeSwallowedParent, maybeOldStack) of
(Just parent, Just oldStack) -> do
-- If there actually is a corresponding swallowed parent window for this window,
-- we will restore and place it where the closed window was.
-- For this, we look at the stack-state that was stored /before/ the window was closed,
-- and replace the focused window with the now restored parent.
-- we do this to make sure the parent is restored in the exact position the child was at.
(\ws ->
(const $ Just $ oldStack { W.focus = parent })
$ moveFloatingState childWindow parent
$ ws { W.floating = oldFloating }
-- after restoring, we remove the information about the swallowing from the state.
XS.modify $ removeSwallowed childWindow
XS.modify $ setStackBeforeWindowClosing Nothing
_ -> return ()
return ()
_ -> return ()
return $ All True
-- | run a pure transformation on the Stack of the currently focused workspace.
:: (Maybe (W.Stack a) -> Maybe (W.Stack a))
-> W.StackSet i l a sid sd
-> W.StackSet i l a sid sd
updateCurrentStack f = W.modify (f Nothing) (f . Just)
currentStack :: W.StackSet i l a sid sd -> Maybe (W.Stack a)
currentStack = W.stack . W.workspace . W.current
-- | move the floating state from one window to another, sinking the original window
:: Ord a
=> a -- ^ window to move from
-> a -- ^ window to move to
-> W.StackSet i l a s sd
-> W.StackSet i l a s sd
moveFloatingState from to ws = ws
{ W.floating = M.delete from $ maybe (M.delete to (W.floating ws))
(\r -> M.insert to r (W.floating ws))
(M.lookup from (W.floating ws))
-- | check if a given process is a child of another process. This depends on "pstree" being in the PATH
-- NOTE: this does not work if the child process does any kind of process-sharing.
:: Int -- ^ child PID
-> Int -- ^ parent PID
-> IO Bool
isChildOf child parent = do
output <- runProcessWithInput "pstree" ["-T", "-p", show parent] ""
return $ any (show child `isInfixOf`) $ lines output
data SwallowingState =
{ currentlySwallowed :: M.Map Window Window -- ^ mapping from child window window to the currently swallowed parent window
, stackBeforeWindowClosing :: Maybe (W.Stack Window) -- ^ current stack state right before DestroyWindowEvent is sent
, floatingBeforeClosing :: M.Map Window W.RationalRect -- ^ floating map of the stackset right before DestroyWindowEvent is sent
} deriving (Typeable, Show)
getSwallowedParent :: Window -> SwallowingState -> Maybe Window
getSwallowedParent win SwallowingState { currentlySwallowed } =
M.lookup win currentlySwallowed
addSwallowedParent :: Window -> Window -> SwallowingState -> SwallowingState
addSwallowedParent parent child s@SwallowingState { currentlySwallowed } =
s { currentlySwallowed = M.insert child parent currentlySwallowed }
removeSwallowed :: Window -> SwallowingState -> SwallowingState
removeSwallowed child s@SwallowingState { currentlySwallowed } =
s { currentlySwallowed = M.delete child currentlySwallowed }
:: Maybe (W.Stack Window) -> SwallowingState -> SwallowingState
setStackBeforeWindowClosing stack s = s { stackBeforeWindowClosing = stack }
:: M.Map Window W.RationalRect -> SwallowingState -> SwallowingState
setFloatingBeforeWindowClosing x s = s { floatingBeforeClosing = x }
instance ExtensionClass SwallowingState where
initialValue = SwallowingState { currentlySwallowed = mempty
, stackBeforeWindowClosing = Nothing
, floatingBeforeClosing = mempty
fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fi = fromIntegral