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2020-04-18 20:27:12 +02:00
const path = window.require('path');
const fs = window.require('fs');
const electron = window.require('electron');
const Module = window.require('module').Module;
Module.globalPaths.push(path.resolve(, 'node_modules'));
const currentWindow = electron.remote.getCurrentWindow();
if (currentWindow.__preload) require(currentWindow.__preload);
//Get inject directory
if (!process.env.injDir) process.env.injDir = __dirname;
//set up global functions
const c = {
log: function(msg, plugin) {
if (plugin &&
console.log(`%c[EnhancedDiscord] %c[${}]`, 'color: red;', `color: ${plugin.color}`, msg);
else console.log('%c[EnhancedDiscord]', 'color: red;', msg);
info: function(msg, plugin) {
if (plugin &&`%c[EnhancedDiscord] %c[${}]`, 'color: red;', `color: ${plugin.color}`, msg);
else'%c[EnhancedDiscord]', 'color: red;', msg);
warn: function(msg, plugin) {
if (plugin &&
console.warn(`%c[EnhancedDiscord] %c[${}]`, 'color: red;', `color: ${plugin.color}`, msg);
else console.warn('%c[EnhancedDiscord]', 'color: red;', msg);
error: function(msg, plugin) {
if (plugin &&
console.error(`%c[EnhancedDiscord] %c[${}]`, 'color: red;', `color: ${plugin.color}`, msg);
else console.error('%c[EnhancedDiscord]', 'color: red;', msg);
sleep: function(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
// config util
window.ED = { plugins: {}, version: '2.6.2' };
Object.defineProperty(window.ED, 'config', {
get: function() {
let conf;
conf = require('./config.json');
} catch (err) {
if(err.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND')
conf = {};
return conf;
set: function(newSets = {}) {
let confPath;
let bDelCache;
confPath = require.resolve('./config.json');
bDelCache = true;
} catch (err) {
if(err.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND')
confPath = path.join(process.env.injDir, 'config.json');
bDelCache = false;
try {
fs.writeFileSync(confPath, JSON.stringify(newSets));
delete require.cache[confPath];
} catch(err) {
return this.config;
function loadPlugin(plugin) {
try {
if (plugin.preload)
console.log(`%c[EnhancedDiscord] %c[PRELOAD] %cLoading plugin %c${}`, 'color: red;', 'color: yellow;', '', `color: ${plugin.color}`, `by ${}...`);
else console.log(`%c[EnhancedDiscord] %cLoading plugin %c${}`, 'color: red;', '', `color: ${plugin.color}`, `by ${}...`);
} catch(err) {
c.error(`Failed to load:\n${err.stack}`, plugin);
window.ED.localStorage = window.localStorage;
process.once("loaded", async () => {
c.log(`v${window.ED.version} is running. Validating plugins...`);
const pluginFiles = fs.readdirSync(path.join(process.env.injDir, 'plugins'));
const plugins = {};
for (const i in pluginFiles) {
if (!pluginFiles[i].endsWith('.js') || pluginFiles[i].endsWith(".plugin.js")) continue;
let p;
const pName = pluginFiles[i].replace(/\.js$/, '');
try {
p = require(path.join(process.env.injDir, 'plugins', pName));
if (typeof !== 'string' || typeof p.load !== 'function') {
throw new Error('Plugin must have a name and load() function.');
plugins[pName] = Object.assign(p, {id: pName});
catch (err) {
c.warn(`Failed to load ${pluginFiles[i]}: ${err}\n${err.stack}`, p);
for (const id in plugins) {
if (!plugins[id] || !plugins[id].name || typeof plugins[id].load !== 'function') {`Skipping invalid plugin: ${id}`); delete plugins[id]; continue;
plugins[id].settings; // this will set default settings in config if necessary
window.ED.plugins = plugins;
c.log(`Plugins validated.`);
while (!window.webpackJsonp)
await c.sleep(100); // wait until this is loaded in order to use it for modules
window.ED.webSocket = window._ws;
/* Add helper functions that make plugins easy to create */
window.req = window.webpackJsonp.push([[], {
'__extra_id__': (module, exports, req) => module.exports = req
}, [['__extra_id__']]]);
delete window.req.m['__extra_id__'];
delete window.req.c['__extra_id__'];
window.findModule = window.EDApi.findModule;
window.findModules = window.EDApi.findAllModules;
window.findRawModule = window.EDApi.findRawModule;
window.monkeyPatch = window.EDApi.monkeyPatch;
while (!window.EDApi.findModule('dispatch'))
await c.sleep(100);
c.log(`Loading preload plugins...`);
for (const id in plugins) {
if (window.ED.config[id] && window.ED.config[id].enabled == false) continue;
if (!plugins[id].preload) continue;
const d = {resolve: () => {}};
window.monkeyPatch(window.findModule('dispatch'), 'dispatch', {before: b => {
// modules seem to all be loaded when RPC server loads
if (b.methodArguments[0].type === 'RPC_SERVER_READY') {
await new Promise(resolve => {
d.resolve = resolve;
c.log(`Modules done loading (${Object.keys(window.req.c).length})`);
if (window.ED.config.bdPlugins) {
await require('./bd_shit').setup(currentWindow);
c.log(`Preparing BD plugins...`);
for (const i in pluginFiles) {
if (!pluginFiles[i].endsWith('.js') || !pluginFiles[i].endsWith(".plugin.js")) continue;
let p;
const pName = pluginFiles[i].replace(/\.js$/, '');
try {
p = require(path.join(process.env.injDir, 'plugins', pName));
if (typeof !== 'string' || typeof p.load !== 'function') {
throw new Error('Plugin must have a name and load() function.');
plugins[pName] = Object.assign(p, {id: pName});
catch (err) {
c.warn(`Failed to load ${pluginFiles[i]}: ${err}\n${err.stack}`, p);
for (const id in plugins) {
if (!plugins[id] || !plugins[id].name || typeof plugins[id].load !== 'function') {`Skipping invalid plugin: ${id}`); delete plugins[id]; continue;
c.log(`Loading plugins...`);
for (const id in plugins) {
if (window.ED.config[id] && window.ED.config[id].enabled == false) continue;
if (plugins[id].preload) continue;
if (window.ED.config[id].enabled !== true && plugins[id].disabledByDefault) {
plugins[id].settings.enabled = false; continue;
const ht = window.EDApi.findModule('hideToken')
// prevent client from removing token from localstorage when dev tools is opened, or reverting your token if you change it
window.EDApi.monkeyPatch(ht, 'hideToken', () => {});
window.fixedShowToken = () => {
// Only allow this to add a token, not replace it. This allows for changing of the token in dev tools.
if (!window.ED.localStorage || window.ED.localStorage.getItem("token")) return;
return window.ED.localStorage.setItem("token", '"'+ht.getToken()+'"');
window.EDApi.monkeyPatch(ht, 'showToken', window.fixedShowToken);
if (!window.ED.localStorage.getItem("token") && ht.getToken())
window.fixedShowToken(); // prevent you from being logged out for no reason
// change the console warning to be more fun
const wc = require('electron').remote.getCurrentWebContents();
wc.on("devtools-opened", () => {
console.log("%cHold Up!", "color: #FF5200; -webkit-text-stroke: 2px black; font-size: 72px; font-weight: bold;");
console.log("%cIf you're reading this, you're probably smarter than most Discord developers.", "font-size: 16px;");
console.log("%cPasting anything in here could actually improve the Discord client.", "font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; color: red;");
console.log("%cUnless you understand exactly what you're doing, keep this window open to browse our bad code.", "font-size: 16px;");
console.log("%cIf you don't understand exactly what you're doing, you should come work with us:", "font-size: 16px;");
/* BD/ED joint api */
window.EDApi = window.BdApi = class EDApi {
static get React() { return this.findModuleByProps('createElement'); }
static get ReactDOM() { return this.findModuleByProps('findDOMNode'); }
static escapeID(id) {
return id.replace(/^[^a-z]+|[^\w-]+/gi, "");
static injectCSS(id, css) {
const style = document.createElement("style"); = this.escapeID(id);
style.innerHTML = css;
static clearCSS(id) {
const element = document.getElementById(this.escapeID(id));
if (element) element.remove();
static linkJS(id, url) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const script = document.createElement("script"); = this.escapeID(id);
script.src = url;
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.onload = resolve;
static unlinkJS(id) {
const element = document.getElementById(this.escapeID(id));
if (element) element.remove();
static getPlugin(name) {
const plugin = Object.values(window.ED.plugins).find(p => == name);
if (!plugin) return null;
return plugin.bdplugin ? plugin.bdplugin : plugin;
static alert(title, body) {
const ModalStack = this.findModuleByProps("push", "update", "pop", "popWithKey");
const AlertModal = this.findModule(m => m.prototype && m.prototype.handleCancel && m.prototype.handleSubmit && m.prototype.handleMinorConfirm);
if (!ModalStack || !AlertModal) return window.alert(body);
ModalStack.push(function(props) {
return EDApi.React.createElement(AlertModal, Object.assign({title, body}, props));
static loadData(pluginName, key) {
if (!window.ED.config[pluginName]) window.ED.config[pluginName] = {};
return window.ED.config[pluginName][key];
static saveData(pluginName, key, data) {
if (!window.ED.config[pluginName]) window.ED.config[pluginName] = {};
window.ED.config[pluginName][key] = data;
window.ED.config = window.ED.config;
static getData(pluginName, key) {
return this.loadData(pluginName, key);
static setData(pluginName, key, data) {
this.saveData(pluginName, key, data);
static getInternalInstance(node) {
if (!(node instanceof window.jQuery) && !(node instanceof Element)) return undefined;
if (node instanceof window.jQuery) node = node[0];
return node[Object.keys(node).find(k => k.startsWith("__reactInternalInstance"))];
static showToast(content, options = {}) {
if (!document.querySelector(".toasts")) {
const toastWrapper = document.createElement("div");
const boundingElement = document.querySelector(".chat-3bRxxu form, #friends, .noChannel-Z1DQK7, .activityFeed-28jde9");"left", boundingElement ? boundingElement.getBoundingClientRect().left + "px" : "0px");"width", boundingElement ? boundingElement.offsetWidth + "px" : "100%");"bottom", (document.querySelector(".chat-3bRxxu form") ? document.querySelector(".chat-3bRxxu form").offsetHeight : 80) + "px");
document.querySelector("." + this.findModule('app').app).appendChild(toastWrapper);
const {type = "", icon = true, timeout = 3000} = options;
const toastElem = document.createElement("div");
if (type) toastElem.classList.add("toast-" + type);
if (type && icon) toastElem.classList.add("icon");
toastElem.innerText = content;
setTimeout(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (!document.querySelectorAll(".toasts .toast").length) document.querySelector(".toasts").remove();
}, 300);
}, timeout);
static findModule(filter, silent = true) {
const moduleName = typeof filter === 'string' ? filter : null;
for (const i in window.req.c) {
if (window.req.c.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
const m = window.req.c[i].exports;
if (m && m.__esModule && m.default && (moduleName ? m.default[moduleName] : filter(m.default))) return m.default;
if (m && (moduleName ? m[moduleName] : filter(m))) return m;
if (!silent) c.warn(`Could not find module ${module}.`, {name: 'Modules', color: 'black'})
return null;
static findRawModule(filter, silent = true) {
const moduleName = typeof filter === 'string' ? filter : null;
for (const i in window.req.c) {
if (window.req.c.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
const m = window.req.c[i].exports;
if (m && m.__esModule && m.default && (moduleName ? m.default[moduleName] : filter(m.default)))
return window.req.c[i];
if (m && (moduleName ? m[moduleName] : filter(m)))
return window.req.c[i];
if (!silent) c.warn(`Could not find module ${module}.`, {name: 'Modules', color: 'black'})
return null;
static findAllModules(filter) {
const moduleName = typeof filter === 'string' ? filter : null;
const modules = [];
for (const i in window.req.c) {
if (window.req.c.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
const m = window.req.c[i].exports;
if (m && m.__esModule && m.default && (moduleName ? m.default[moduleName] : filter(m.default))) modules.push(m.default);
else if (m && (moduleName ? m[moduleName] : filter(m))) modules.push(m);
return modules;
static findModuleByProps(...props) {
return this.findModule(module => props.every(prop => module[prop] !== undefined));
static findModuleByDisplayName(name) {
return this.findModule(module => module.displayName === name);
static monkeyPatch(what, methodName, options) {
if (typeof options === 'function') {
const newOptions = {instead: options, silent: true};
options = newOptions;
const {before, after, instead, once = false, silent = false, force = false} = options;
const displayName = options.displayName || what.displayName || || what.constructor ? (what.constructor.displayName || : null;
if (!silent) console.log(`%c[EnhancedDiscord] %c[Modules]`, 'color: red;', `color: black;`, `Patched ${methodName} in module ${displayName || '<unknown>'}:`, what); // eslint-disable-line no-console
if (!what[methodName]) {
if (force) what[methodName] = function() {};
else return console.warn(`%c[EnhancedDiscord] %c[Modules]`, 'color: red;', `color: black;`, `Method ${methodName} doesn't exist in module ${displayName || '<unknown>'}`, what); // eslint-disable-line no-console
const origMethod = what[methodName];
const cancel = () => {
if (!silent) console.log(`%c[EnhancedDiscord] %c[Modules]`, 'color: red;', `color: black;`, `Unpatched ${methodName} in module ${displayName || '<unknown>'}:`, what); // eslint-disable-line no-console
what[methodName] = origMethod;
what[methodName] = function() {
const data = {
thisObject: this,
methodArguments: arguments,
cancelPatch: cancel,
originalMethod: origMethod,
callOriginalMethod: () => data.returnValue = data.originalMethod.apply(data.thisObject, data.methodArguments)
if (instead) {
const tempRet = EDApi.suppressErrors(instead, "`instead` callback of " + what[methodName].displayName)(data);
if (tempRet !== undefined) data.returnValue = tempRet;
else {
if (before) EDApi.suppressErrors(before, "`before` callback of " + what[methodName].displayName)(data);
if (after) EDApi.suppressErrors(after, "`after` callback of " + what[methodName].displayName)(data);
if (once) cancel();
return data.returnValue;
what[methodName].__monkeyPatched = true;
what[methodName].displayName = "patched " + (what[methodName].displayName || methodName);
what[methodName].unpatch = cancel;
return cancel;
static testJSON(data) {
try {
return true;
catch (err) {
return false;
static suppressErrors(method, description) {
return (...params) => {
try { return method(...params); }
catch (e) { console.error("Error occurred in " + description, e); }
static formatString(string, values) {
for (const val in values) {
string = string.replace(new RegExp(`\\{\\{${val}\\}\\}`, 'g'), values[val]);
return string;
static isPluginEnabled(name) {
const plugins = Object.values(window.ED.plugins);
const plugin = plugins.find(p => == name || == name);
if (!plugin) return false;
return !(plugin.settings.enabled === false);
static isThemeEnabled() {
return false;
static isSettingEnabled(id) {
return window.ED.config[id];